Saturday 31 August 2024


Truth is never easy, especially on this campaign, breath fresh with Listerine, frightened by my lips, this is no child’s game, what I might let slip, why do I bring treats, chasing my salad days, for a man in retreat, what cannot be shipped, is life outside of gain, a sheath of cotton ripped, fashioned into creases, golden ring ablaze, cannot mask a heart cheat, will your bedrock bleed, disown outrageous claims, sail by stars to sea, cancel your name ?

Friday 30 August 2024


Do we know how to give, live a lifetime of greed, in order to love, is there some clue, like it’s in our creed, this gift for bad news, what about your lover, with all her surly needs, a yellow light wonders, does her face bear the blues, witness crass ease, sling back high heeled shoes, would you leave her in sin, join death's black weeds, continue spinning fibs, know what to exclude, say too much to agree, stones,flowers,pieces of wood, conjure your freedom ?


My parents say i'm torn, oh they used to create, you don't know you're born, single women with children, state you'll be okay, just don't give in, Our Lady knows my form, no matter what games they play, such an ill hearted home, my Pa was unfaithful, lost within his ways, now he is mainly ill, I only asked for warmth, without any praise, it's my child's communion, don't wish to be unforgiving, but i no longer sway, before their sad mission, shuttered by obeying

Thursday 29 August 2024


My parents say i'm torn, oh they used to create, you wouldn't know how forlorn, women with single children, state you'll be okay, just don't give in, Our Lady knows my form, no matter what games they play, such an ill hearted home, my Pa was unfaithful, lost within his ways, now he is mainly ill, I only asked for warmth, without any praise, it's my child's communion, don't wish to be unforgiving, but i no longer sway, before their sad mission, straitened by obeying.

Wednesday 28 August 2024


Don't bring me stolen jewels, make me laugh through tears, dance with simple fools, under cold white stars, water runs ligthtning clear, you can’t stand my sparks, my dreams add further fuel, to others you draw near, pass me money for sooth, smile like a ighthouse arc, remember the ached for years, when you were my spar. turn your head you fool, let me want to hear, times you lit my fuse, how I miss those starts, stronger than your fears, we didn't get very far, I miss those tears.

Tuesday 27 August 2024


Those highland wastes, lets you know, what her people call grace, the heather's sourball blue, late summer's smiles on show, all dancing hills in tune, garroted by her steady taste, she kids me with her jokes, but never acts in haste, a knife stirs in the stew, young women free to bestow, favours of a lowland harmony, the car engine scrapes, you pass by August silos , she doesn't plan escapes, from these lands of good news, she’ll only warm her toes, stifle yawns at early noon, talks of places to go.

Monday 26 August 2024


She is sinking slowly, leaving just a little glow, eats and drinks unhappily, it takes energy to flow, she is such a generous soul, I feel stripped to bone, in New York there's harmony, don't do chit chat anymore, our love has gone frankly, it used to be all agogo, honey palaces for our home, a different wind now blows, I hate this yellow uncertainty, sunlit train tracks groan, nowhere is like my journey, men who see us roam, try to circle our thrones, paint our faces for show. I'm not one to moan,

Sunday 25 August 2024


Wind hushed ruins , salt splashed stones, water safe to bathe in, besides the night, a simple smile of love, holds my breath tight, under fear of wind, orange trees sing, sooth a city's muffled din, birds sail like warmed kites, above the foam, no one else in sight, my partner says just grin, crowded cafe's safer zones, rain comes down spinning, snuffle hrough daily fights, more than naked bones, how clean this morning light, our imaginary home.

Saturday 24 August 2024


I ask God for rest, summer within a lover's storm, don't i feel blessed, swinging dangerously, with her raging metaphors, the trouble start with me, howling with tremendous zest, her insults grow enormous, I shudder at my breakfast, she’s a lightning seed, gives a thunderous performance, audience at her own epiphany, just before this Dejeuner fest, music roars from her Beatbox, her roars brook no digress, I struggle to break free, act like I'm not born pour more black coffee, like a Brechtian palimpest, she hurtles to the door, I pray he please arrest, this unholy semaphore ?

Friday 23 August 2024


Here's a thought for you, do you note what comes first, eaxh image in your view, wish you'd never torn, tongues from those who thirst, beaten bodies broken forms, your sugary tea like glue, leaves little time for mirth, to regard such terrored truth, was it by the score, you spouted lies well versed, all of them wrung raw, wonder if I let hate accrue to place you in a hearse, I'll leave history to choose, I won't get lost forlorn, neither run cursed, not me without compass, when monsters converse,

Thursday 22 August 2024


You wait on my duress, take me as your creed, say i am the best, children left gone home, cabin is all you need, only crave the crown, sobbing with your success, power your basic greed, across a wooden buttress, my dreams echo in song, wine dark in far seas, an ocean's command, we drink to excess, all is lose to history. pride has no redress, bewitched by cortizone, come lie at my feet, spurned at the cock crow, you won't see evening,

Wednesday 21 August 2024


The love you gave away, dissolved or flayed, keeps hurt at bay, lifts troubles to forgiveness, don't let them reign, skip Calendars or Catechism, step free of certain games, that cap your flame, maintain hope to keep sane, as for difficult questions, wise not to tell tales, hold your own inquests, drunk as a weathervane, spins over the plain, you're part of this age steam makes espresso's hiss, sawdust cafe's swell with rain, solace you no longer miss, a City whispers your name.

Tuesday 20 August 2024


Around a futile exercise yard, try to guard your fears, no need to spin them far, light a path to heaven, sail within the atmosphere, inside this smoky hazy pen, sew clothes for lonely spars, know what's good for tears, how to play your part, it brings a strsnge presence, to find everything that's here, keep Junk at a distance, fold a blanket beneath the stars, pictures become suddenly clear, dream of railway boxcars, no need for quilted linen, sunlight shifts on the pier, liberty is there for asking, your time is coming near.

Monday 19 August 2024


Here's the question, why on a secret phone, behind a crushed request, you endure whispers, in hushed father's tone, a tight but sore trespass, the reason you’re like this, flushed within your core, to escape some hit list, lemon bright with excuses, say you've been honed, to blow away insouciance, your voice calls afresh, no one wants to know, a lonely time of penance, you are careful of inquests, face as blue as bone, illicit daughter's cigarettes, you smoke on your own.

Sunday 18 August 2024


There's no such release, alone by the beach, wondering who adores me, wondering what to say or searching how to be, nothing here but trade, I need to break free, escape all these creeps, forget my swollen feet, where are the players, eager to leave, with me as their game, ignore my rude testimony, rejected offers please, afford me some pity, memories are La plage, imaginings of the sea, lemon blue by stages, watch my epiphany.

Saturday 17 August 2024


You remember that tune, Da take your time, I'll hum it for you, eyes that now haunt love, forget all onerous lies, draw water from a jug, bleats his case for truth, mysteries of his line, they only live to rule, rain ticks into a tub, he shudders with the wine, listens to the wind above, bills tossed down avenues, give early shipwreck signs, ongoing family feuds, tissues and body scrubs, mark his decline, makes him scared to blub, he looks so frightened.

Friday 16 August 2024


Restrained in my moans, small wonder in this place, heart beats against stone, bus ticket's a burning fuse, blown in by the rain, he listens to my news, laughs at all my groans, the useless games, needed to fend alone, the foray of his truth, shadows yesterday's blame, clutches bars of chocolate chews, a sea whipped home, a tornado for my rage, incarcerated lips intone, bites at my leather glove, the ribbons of a day, swears his unfying love, says he's praying again.

Thursday 15 August 2024


Don't leave it to someone else, at this house of spirits, resisting lies and debts, have me crying alone, pushed to my limits, cursing your rottren bones, sweet as a canvas flesh, body chilled like a relic, I'm loved by my friends, hell's a cab ride home, shake when thirst is lifted, this is the last loan, my concern at every instant, escape his fate by shifting, decisions to a river torrent, rejoice in resurrection, praise his life this minute, your reprieve is unexpected, raise that golden ticket.

Wednesday 14 August 2024


Why tear me apart, i'm the fool you say, but you're not so smart, say you'll fly my web, ruin my fresh lace, flee off the back step, you look at the stars, ask wouldn't it be great, to have a wonder car, my sanctity spent, I'm poised but wait, will play with his head, times distance gone, psychiatrists await, swear my emotion is done, i'll sell my bed, powder my wrinkled face, hide you in the shed, I smile,hesitate.

Tuesday 13 August 2024


Will you please extend, the hand of grace, rather than pretend, ways of learning to give, by careful trades, instead make a timeshift, blow life into friends, where fire makes gains, forge different trends. act in ways to live, keep a neighbourly mein, it's all within our gift, many flames shall send, sparks to greater days, we are more than defence, sheltered by such lifts, you can buck the trend, let loose our grip, love beats the ends.

Monday 12 August 2024


With your cheery wave ta ra, don't make me shiver, nail me to this bar, a lonely beach in my head, your stories all delivered, bottles, tar, tidal wood, when you leave it's rotten, your love of ports and rivers, hail your tattered spar, puckered string of letters, follow voyages quivered, leave a reminder unsaid, forget me when i'm sodden, all your tales remembered, dreams you trod upon, will you recall my dread, say love is your ember, Santa Fe, Kobe, coffins of lead, somewhere you'll go under.

Sunday 11 August 2024


Do you walk unknown, beneath cool evening trees, as if no one ever knows, remembering those photos, of all your family, gone away now wind blown, from dusty fields unsown, dancing in the breeze, shadows from places cold, down our street and town, that one's of your niece, Mother wears a black shawl, looked after time shorn, Sunday suits pressed clean, houses paid money down, faces at the camera reposed, a gathering at ease, their truth in best clothes, all that history.

Saturday 10 August 2024


Ok Beastie watch me dance, do you know about lovers, when you think of finance, will you have peace, with your great troubles, cracked features unease, your broad brimmed hat, sits next to the covers, alongside dark glasses, you slice barbecue meat, with an untidy bother, hurl charred insults at me, don't care about that, waiters run for shelter, used to seeing you mad, prance my little Chief, sweat I'll make you suffer, carry your great history, let you love your mother.

Friday 9 August 2024


Your mother said, a drop of blood, does not bring death, for sun, moon, the earth, will only bring truth, closer to your birth, neither in your stealth, nor for your good, can it mark the end, all the ones who've blessed, persuaded you to soothe, put them together first, if that makes sense, yellow sands and tidal floods, lets you love the best, your house forever bursts, patched and creaked by wood, it slakes all your thirsts, before the falling dusk.


Your mother said, a drop of blood, does not bring death, for sun, moon, the earth, will only bring you truth, closer to your birth, neither in your stealth, nor for your good, can it mark the end, all the ones who've blessed, persuaded you to soothe, put them together first, if that makes sense, yellow sands and tidal floods, make you love the best, your house forever bursts, patched and creaked by wood, it slakes all your thirsts, before the falling dusk.

Thursday 8 August 2024


Alone at the bus station, you ask for a smoke, like an injured patient, in a green coat alone, someone who goes for broke, the prodigal girl forlorn, who sweeps aside elation, like convicts fix roads, in a desire for medication, wooden benches lie spoken, its the way you joke, drinking with sad blokes, no red letters of fragrance, lost in a lipstick brawl, when bottles are partaken, dark glasses won't atone, neither will telephones home, your heart's not of stone, tossed pennies fall.

Wednesday 7 August 2024


He laughs like one of us, desert doesn't frighten you, his clothes hang in ruins, we go to meet the ones, my partner faintly rues, historians who've nearly gone, the almond trees bloom, on a bright lit afternoon, against a sea that's blue, nothing here is wrong, just the yellow truth, poetry of poverty's song, he looks like someone new, his old bones of truth, shine as the oasis soothes, he asks to hold my hand, his presence overpowers, the fragrance off the sand, makes me almost swoon.

Tuesday 6 August 2024


She pins a shamrock on us, if literature's our freedom, we'd fill a Terminus, like a mistress school bound, would puff out her cheeks, listened to lives ill found, on Atlantic Avenue, where the wind freezes, she made us feel useful, Brooklyn’s steamy trams, her retirement at St Stephen's, jellies, country bands, she died counting the Angelus, listening to Blues singers, joy her last impetus, we stand on cold ground, Fulton swells our cheeks, ah Jesus, our dollars homeward bound, the bridge a moving season.

Monday 5 August 2024


Your wind blown kisses, reach a maritime shingle, circle around the Ithmus, crossing the Atlantic, they dance and tingle, turn blue waves frantic, to escape from crisis, where crowds might mingle, sea birds wing sunlight, you skip in your antics, lips pursed and jingled, sea roses shine static, bourne of resistance, a resplendent canticle, pray safety his ship, it's worth being stoic, not remaining single, in shipping lane traffic, wearing his ring.

Sunday 4 August 2024


She wakes in golden belief, like yellow on a Holsum van, wonders about a novena, each dance is a clone, moves her as no one can, every tune shakes her bones, in sourball colour seasons, the bars are full of men, she drinks within reason, they rise to enfold her, she graces it with elan, green evenings grow colder, barefoot pays minimum heating, its better than having plans, her cabin makes it easier, if communion weighs a ton, between rich and poor man, justice is always done, breaks whatever mould.

Saturday 3 August 2024


My weekend sings, des cigarettes une espresso, don't care no one rings, the silent have their views, dejeuner avec Lavazzo , have no time to brood, not for me the sea, Martini, Amaretto, my balcony swept free, spare me consumptive news, a lunchtime Prosecco, vitiates my beach room, let them all scream, pasta, wine al viejo, I'm my best Sunday dream, think of a serene cruise, an evening's stroll, along my private avenue, Sabbath's best alone.

Friday 2 August 2024


Is my time gone unspoken, not drunk enough to cry, afraid this family's broken, our place shuttered and boarded, beyond tomorrow's why, love around here is frozen, bridges where we stand soaking, beyond any heaven’s sigh, can't mend with arms folded, fresh horizons flit encoded, guitar strings at night, play a tune to show them, feels like we've been sold, being brave's only to try, beat away this summer’s cold, to rescue us or coax, say a prayer to the sky, not just some little token, more a sense of pride.

Thursday 1 August 2024


Those little bits of you, ignore schemes that fry, they need more than hooks, don't settle for bones, roll, dance, find someone wise, why stay at home, discard philosophers who soothe, only the edge is fine, find your own truth, read all the holy tomes, there's always a reason why, you'll know how to roam, overlook your place of ruin, seize the time 'as mine,' wear shorts and shiny boots, fling away the stones, try to inspire, always pay what's owed, you don't mind fire.