Monday 17 May 2021


Love holds the door ajar, my hair falls down unkind, nowhere gets me very far, I sit on a high stool, drink a little wine, God knows I need a few, you ask about my Ma, Oh she’s fine, stuck as usual in the tar, the money she blew, in a poor easy light, just to please some other fool, cruising in her fast car, it rocks around her lies, no wonder I’m scarred, there’s nothing cool, about the hurt inside, except that other part of you, viewed from afar, that sees each morning rise, like the northern star, I’ll have my time.

Sunday 16 May 2021


You smile across the beach, a flash that lights the day, salt hangs on the breeze, danger flashes in your eyes, something in your gait, no need to question why, you dab perfume for the heat, walk in glorious ways, smell the pine trees, you won’t toe the line, be tamed, no-one needs to die, love has set you free, milk seaweed at your side, silk from a silken sea, red tiles are your paradise, men chant out your name, a toe step is just fine, speaking truth is never easy, when words are all the same, this place become your Odyssey, the water your escape. .

Saturday 15 May 2021


A painter of religious scenes, she dabs on yellow glaze, a thirty-year-old seraphim, views the work that's honed, never too wise in this game, doubts she'll ever atone, in great nights of dreams, even when life’s the same, it's not what it seems, the canvas lets her roam, a sketch of wooden nails, in many ways she's gone, places she’s never been, lost without a name, like a matchstick in the sea, the work is not her own, the pull of certain days, bright as lighthouse rock, her body aches without relief, sunken eyes are crazed, her mind is never easy, she regards another frame.

Friday 14 May 2021


Who can resist, that warming flame, leavened by your kiss, hidden by a generous street, it's a terrible shame, supplicants at your feet, those who think you’re it, turn to me and say, please God nothing goes adrift, car lanes tick with heat, sunlight grants them little space, our time is fleeting, let their gears change shift, you laugh again, someone will give us a lift, for everything we need, blow our troubles away, hang dreams on a tree, if uncertain questions, clutter our foray, all’s we seek an instance, other golden days.

Thursday 13 May 2021


My eyes fix a place, where we just carry on, where no one heeds the flame, or cares about our ways, a tide rises then is gone, beyond any time frame, then you stroke my face, the running lines of alcohol, a delta of red veins, soon we’ll be safe, make wolf howls at the moon, the joy of running away, maybe we'll take a train, search for a winter stove, somewhere safe to lay, we’ll raise our game, make light of broken rooms, love’s better on absent days, always beats the clock’s disgrace, explosive as a bomb, can anyone really say, we’re best alone?

Wednesday 12 May 2021


During these long nights, side by side in memory, don't ask me why, when there's no train, or blessed destiny, to show us the way, we’re cool as we fly , untroubled by honesty, sail with blue airlines, enquire about gain, a long, silent history, that brings us back again, bags heavy with sighs, no fun going to seed, the useless fights, the morning’s cold rain, horizons once so bright, continue unnamed, you say it's my right to want to be free, sing then from on high, why call to the sea ?

Tuesday 11 May 2021


She’s been to Mass, a silken corn, hair in a golden cap, struggling to think, struck like a Grecian urn, I look at the sink, her grace like stance, wild without thorns, a modern day iconoclast, shuddering to trick, what I've discerned, she asks for more drink, if I can say overlaps, churns, laugh’s like a black cat, gliding at the ice rink, her skirts flare, I hear the glass clink, where’s the next pass, a cafĂ©’ sojourn, is this love at last, as she twirls ?