Friday 31 January 2020


Who will break the news, struggling to escape, at the stuff you blew, no horizon's bright, if you leave a stain, and you're always right, to make life a curfew, frightened of the waves, don’t know what to do, it’s nearly time, hear a donkey bray, you sit by the fire, before sunrise due, tears seep away, no one can reach you, ever wondered why, people pine for the day, long silent nights, if your moment’s true, love will find a way, rain falls on the roof, it’ll all be OK.

Naeve Two

Take the love you know, float it on the tide, sail it like a boat, drained by winter's blues, before you pass on by, the lovers that you threw, caught up in a cyclone, you’re going to be a bride, say you have to go, you will make it through, a heart needs to fly, beats this river crew, seeping through my bones, the wind rides out at night, breaking on the shore, all we ever lose, is sitting by your side, is he part of you, you always have to slow, catch another's smile, don’t think that you're alone, drinking holy wine

Wednesday 29 January 2020


Look up passed the road, try to look kind, a smile in your bones, the stars show the way, a cold white light, you're back here to stay, no need for a loan, you've walked the miles, what you don't own, there’ll be no claims, your face alive, you know what to save, through broken windows, your face ashine, for that other show, future days, won't burn out the fire, from being away, so there you go, you're home this time, before the cock crows, no longer a child.

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Simon Three

How do you know, what people feel, in their bones, that splintered smile, walked by the sea, they’ll catch the life, don’t have to show, unlock the key, of your cigarette glow, why seek the child, in mountain streams, steer clear of strife, what's left to bestow, from other dreams, stuff you’ve sown, such a long time ago, to live without a bean, see each morning rise, the hand of fame now, is not all it seems, you don’t have to bow, to all your schemes.

Simon Two

Don’t come back this way, to see the ruins, hung as we separate, a tired game, I play cool, but dream of the day, just what it takes, a celebration at noon, you to remain, I can’t explain, there are no avenues, to keep me in shape, here in the shade, weeping for you, my thoughts drip like rain, are you made of clay, I howl at some tune, I’m not too late, no matter what we sing, or what we say, love must find a way, in yellowy spring.

Sunday 26 January 2020


I wonder if she's right, to dream of the sea, lilac as the night, she’ll dance and parade, make faces at the enemy, her soul works this way, the shouts and the fights, stake her release, time is her lightning, he r eyes bear the fray, it’s cold in the season, she wants away, what comes down the wire, before she flees, is tossed in the fire, she carries no dismay, is done with feelings, what are they anyway, bags weigh heavy at night, no fun to believe, we’ll always be tight, she’ll always love me.

Paul Three

It’s only half true, when you smell the Limes, on a windblown avenue, act like you don’t know, forget ties that bind, feel it in your bones, try to stay aloof, say you know what’s right, except there's no clue, you’re not alone, these desolate nights, let others keep score, don’t rage and argue, not like it’s a crime, let the fire warm you, you have to keep going, in the cold evening light, when the kid's phone, they speak of your virtues you’re not inclined, to know that you're through, It’s just a strange time.