Sunday 24 July 2022


In the white washed rooms, proclaimed by the sea, let me show you an heirloom, a common man working plain, his cross of Saint Anthony, swings gently on its chain, our impending sense of doom, crumpled cups at the infirmary, radios play an empty tune, the doctor's sad face, not as it should be, Papa is gone from us, where are those rutted grooves, we ran in a summer lanes, fixing hedges strong as a loon, his laughter gentle as rain, roused us drowsy from sleep, he won’t come again, loss brings such certainty.

Saturday 23 July 2022


Before you came for me, I would carry the light, of love to the sea, would you give or care, for what I thought was right, sailing ships of might and turn, famed brightly for their speed, their whispered sails at night, commerce in their creed, why provide for all to learn, silk cushions swathe my thighs, reflecting what you earn, sun sparkles in gardens at Thebes, a power beyond my sight, days you wept and screamed, such dreams I couldn’t bear, demands for a little child, a baby son and heir, all the fury in your smile.

Friday 22 July 2022


At the gangway she takes a right, away from drinkers and vagrants, her youngest suffers that plight, there's a Chapel alone, behind where the cruise ships lay, she heads towards it like Rome, her mind racing and alight, to reach that cool oasis, away from the tourist cries, she eyes their pressed clothes, they dance like wraiths, beneath the sun, in the gloam, stilled by her troubled mind, she avoids their laughing landscapes, constant dreams of golden skies, arrived she waits a moment, feels the Stone’s sweet glaze, scented candles at her shoulder, fires the ancient flame.

Thursday 21 July 2022


Do we know how to give, will a lifetime of greed, bring the love we miss, do you sometimes wonder, if it’s in our creed, our gift to wonder, does love wear a feature, make us tremble at the knees, perfume, lipstick, high heels, and what about our lovers, with all their surly needs, in yellow nights of summer, pray tell us how to live, stroll bright days in weeds, if luck takes a trip, are we so encumbered, knowing just enough to see, to drag a stone or lumber, howling with relief ?

Wednesday 20 July 2022


Summer clouds her blue eyes, she knows the uncertainty, love is the big why, what separates from her bones, stuff that makes her dream, is sight of water, a hero home, surrounded by impressive skies, she feels the pull of destiny, not some faded alibi, Our Lady says she’s not alone, with inchoate thoughts and schemes, the wind her great bellows, memory’s arc of scurried nights, a map, a bottle, all the wean, the thrill of troubled flight, she’s conscious that she’s bold, sees the line of harvest teams, hears the horses groan, better the sea .

Tuesday 19 July 2022


If he's happy let him go, this woman loved you, isn't that enough to know, you didn't treat him right, you can say that now, whatever those nights, he has another mojo, hair curled a dancing loon, can’t you see him flow, a mirror for your eyes, when you hear dogs moan, try to act wise, how he wears cotton clothes, why sympathise , with a man you’ve stolen, caught out of sight, sing a songbird's gruel, listen to the cock crow, hear his refusals?

Monday 18 July 2022


My day is just a swank, I dance in the tide, fresh and alive off Burbo bank, he kills me with his laughter, wants me as a bride, helps me ride another breaker, shakes his bony shanks, tobacco blue water on the tide, he’s a writer not a crank, I won’t say he’s famous, but his smile’s estuary wide, ships enter their channel lanes, his soul isn’t dank, who never left a mother’s side, neither is he a windbag, I could produce many Shamans, Medea would use the knife, why bother when you say, he’s mine tonight.