Tuesday 24 October 2023


You cross to the lee, things are never the same, salt drifts on the breeze, danger is in your eyes, fame is in your gait, has it brought another spy, perfume from last night’s heat, bourne on gentle waves, love beckons at your feet, how you hold the line, you cannot say, even if you tell a lie, a prayer outside the sacristy, bright jewel for your ways, silk on a darkened sea, beyond the burning pyre, someone chants your name, sandalwood rises, truth is never easy, essence of turbulent days, chained to your odyssey, you dance to flames.

Monday 23 October 2023


A painter of religious scenes, she dabs another frame, stands quiet without relief, regards the thing she's honed, tired of other games, doubts she's ever alone, in yellow nights of dreams, even when she's far away, nothing is what it seems, in many ways she's prone, looks lost without a name, the work is just her own, insight lets her see, painting's like the mail, it arrives from history, the pull of other thrones, never lets her reign, serene when she's gone, work is her Gethsamane, wakes and eyes the day, another stroke for liberty, can be no other way.

Sunday 22 October 2023


Love holds the door ajar, hair falls to my knees, it doesnt go very far, you sit around a Pool, wind bends in the trees, who needs this news, they ask about your Da, just another wheeze, lonely as a shooting star, the money he tooled, and didnt show much mercy, punishing other fools, home's another carp, furnished by mother's cries, a place of stolen parts, including you, you fool, forget the hurt he seized, there's another you, that sits across the bar, regards the evening sea, wish it could be more, love let's me dream.


An unread poem on my knees, you demand to see the child, but what lies in between, you always think you know, a fury in your smile, pain like a broken bone, am I not allowed some ease, do you ignore the signs, believe your perfect belief, even if it's not true, a power beyond my sight, why always claim the virtue, wrap prayers around your rosary, whispered dry at night, throw them back at me, terms you want to accrue, beyond heaven's insight, your lawyers stick like glue, before asking the judiciary, to take the precious mite, where is love in this, would you have me die?

Saturday 21 October 2023


Don't let some doom crew, make it seem, you always sing the Blues, cold weather brings them on, floats them on the breeze, they always find a home, if the wind rocks cruel, they'll blow on your dreams, find ways for you to lose, stay here my lovely one, laugh beside a swollen sea, nothing beats what’s gone, the dark days of feud, make them just history, you’ll beat any curfew, when fields turn brown, remain here alongside me, our love is a marathon, dance the way you do, escaping their screams, keep the chosen few, believe what you believe.

Monday 16 October 2023


Fear hollows out my night, makes me summon ancient flame, waits for lamps to light, when I'm most shot through, you’ll hear me straight, change is my due, a dream of life outside, special moments to play, drink a little wine, there are no avenues, I won’t walk again, you'll never pass through, laugh in a better clime, no one else to blame, part of me dying, you won't shine my shoes, of all the pieces today, my tide will turn blue, beside an early sunrise, you can't supply what's great, don't look away in fright, I won't come back again


Say it’s time to leave, don't really want to go, if you must believe, now just want away, to live or die alone, dig my own grave, our love is bittersweet, no real need for home, kids house dog big dreams, shifted silence of your company, your dance on moonlit stones, I want to stay pretty, sing along and pray, the only song I own, before you jump the gate, can you hear me scream, locked to an iron stove, like the caves of Thebes, please don't push me, I only weigh eight stone, who are you to grieve, when I go to Rome ?