Thursday 12 April 2018


Take the love you show, drown it on the tide, live with what you know, drained by winter's news, before you sail on by, look at me you knew, caught up in a cyclone, going to be a bride, I say please don't go, what makes it true, your heart's made of stone, it beats the Delta blues, breaking on my bones, who will bring more wine, nothing can atone, all we have we lose, that fellow by your side, is he part of you, you never did do slow, to catch another's smile, why fake you're alone, screaming in the night.

Wednesday 11 April 2018


They'll all be fine, fix a drink alone, stronger than wine, used to take strong tea, humour lachrymose, jokes my repartee, now i'm to be kind, walk up the brow, try to settle unwind, rain starts to ease, I'll carry the stones, what was once certainty, have spoken my mind, never one to atone, leave it a while, I need to believe, what used to be so, when they all leave, where is the time, now they've left home, the stuff that was mine, now they've all gone?

Tuesday 10 April 2018


Look up down the road, try to look kind, a smile in your soul, the stars show the way, cold in your time, you're back to stay, no need for a comb, you'll walk the miles, what you don't own, won't make any claims, your face alive, know how to be brave, there is no window, your face doesn't shine, always another show, never mind future days, don't burn out the fire, even being away, so there you go, you're home in a while, before the cock crows, no longer a child.

Monday 9 April 2018


Wonders if she's right, to head for the sea, if she'll be happy, she dances and parades, stands before the enemy, her soul works this way, the shouting and fighting, feeds her unease, time breeds necessity, her eyes near the fire, cold in the season, good reasons to leave, what's down the line, before she flees, worrying about freedom, lilac as the night, Spring's done with heating, she needs to heal, bags weigh heavy at night, it's fun to believe, she'll never sit tight, or wade through treacle.

Thursday 5 April 2018


Will you arrive the same, beneath the ruins, each time we separate, in this tired game, now i feel fine, i dream of the sea, sail away this time, what does it take, for you to remain, is there no avenues, i can't explain, so close by you, no need to hide, my thoughts in train, I howl at the moon, are you coming home, i know there's a flame, not some bell of doom, you can't fasten fame, either live or walk away, can we ever say, what makes a tune?

Wednesday 4 April 2018


The diagnosis half true, she smells the Limes, on a tree lined avenue, acts like she knows, the ties that bind, blows hard on her bones, hope holds you aloof, she knows that is right, except there's no clue, she won't be alone, in this cosy light, to break out the stones, but has to keep going, through cold evening night, when the kids phone in, she sits near the flue, it's not like a crime, for a fire to warm you, thinks she'll be fine, drink leads to ruin, it's just a strange time, to wonder if you're through?

Tuesday 3 April 2018

One the number poems of 22 ines taken from page 25 of older villanelles

The sun rises uneven, cars fill up their lanes, it won't wait 'till evening, beyond the night is right, need you to say, there is a life outside, an awful rush of energy, coffee tastes the same, who needs reason, sail away on the line, it matters that you stay, not go off this time, with my dawn novena, I smile like a hurricane, my body swells a treat, it really is fine, in and out I pray, drink a little sweet wine, bars wave like wheat, it's a morning shame, not just my swollen feet, that you'll rub again.