Monday 6 January 2020

Jamie Two

Unleash my dreams, don't want to ‘phone, say what you’ve done to me, I'm not so stupid, who seeks to atone, in a search for love, the state of a has-been, who lives through his ghosts, is that what you mean, even if you knew, you once touched my soul, it's not something to rue, this is my scene, that you put on toast, your hair like autumn leaves, I hate where I'm going, a knife to my throat, ocean waves roll, you know where you've been, don't let out a groan, stifle your screams, I’m going I’m gone.

Sunday 5 January 2020


My lover asks, were you ever born, how come nothing lasts, don’t you have ghosts, dreams you’ve scorned, that won't leave you alone, I adjust my mask, stifle a yawn, I know my past, don't ever throw stones, at what you've torn, it stops you to grow, I like these chit chats, what is to spawn, where you leave your hat, with love in my bones, I whistle up a storm, everyone needs a home, my key’s on the mat, no one's forlorn, I’m built to last, a place in the hall.

Natalie Three

Who can just smile easy, and know what to say, when a spirit's released, a high heeled slumber, stones, wreaths, holidays, it makes you wonder, I play a coward's release, without hope or shape, maybe find it one day, did I have your number, when you started to trace, a life unencumbered, my insides screech, cornfields whisper and sway, I hear you in the breeze, waste of time don't bother, I'm a disgrace, you can roll the thunder, heavy with my misdeeds, a certain rising too late, I'm not eager to see, a memory of your face.

Saturday 4 January 2020

Natalie Two

You ask can we cope, if you could only help, to take back our home, why make me suffer, away from the Pen, no need for your buffers, stay out of my zone, you might mean well, but I’m better alone, don't bring in your mother, measure your shell, try to be a lover, we’ll roll with the blow, on bar stools and leather, our skin needing soap, with long gait and bend, I won’t be tethered, to you or your friends, we laugh at the rope, it dangles bereft, take all your hope, I have heaven.

Friday 3 January 2020


What do you care, put salt on my traces, tell me what to wear, tunes you play not easy, blue webs across my face, spun by the breeze, you say need to share, but there’s no kissing place, why put me here, in chains to the sea, so like your gaze, a dull line to serendipity, hard to know what's fair, when your voice is phased, lips that snare, down swollen streams, no one escapes, oh, so sugar-sweet, you're such a liar, to sing so great, are you aware, what you throw away?

Thursday 2 January 2020

Peter Three

You can sometimes squeeze, from each new way, a wish to live easy, God take me soon, my face washed grey, from hospital rooms, outside is a magnolia tree, love marks my day, lilac on the breeze, it's nothing new, she comes here to please, the wind goes boom, forges my frenzy, the bed's like a creel, I can smell the sea, sees sunlit avenues, Paris, Beirut, the East, this lightning news, in a place that creaks, I listen to the rain, turn to speak, what I want to say.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Peter Two

I can sniff trouble, but don't get frightened, no one informs on you, before you know, it’ll soon be time, let go all you loathe, silence is the rub, a source of brine, hands that you scrub, laugh at the cold, hear the clock chime, when will the cock crow, remember love, forgive this broken life, it sings in your blood, before the river flows, check to the side, and all that you sold, pull on your gloves, take some time, shoulder what's to come, drink communal wine.