Saturday 8 April 2023


Face down terrible claims, no star can refuse, your outrageous shades, you might wonder why, holy canons of Easter virtue, deem your shamrock stripes, tell you no child’s game, TV can blare fake news, but you are chasing days, whirl around the lights, jangle gold and spin delay, film your crass disguise, maybe love's on the way, don't appear too cute, hit them on the make, only fools are terrified, wilt alongside you, better stay wise, go easy on the truth.

Friday 7 April 2023


She seeks holy peace, whatever she finds, nothing seems to please, won't hear good news, love is just a crime, a cover up for truth, fears the hiss of blasphemy, she doesn't do sublime, nor give anyone a symphony, why disguise the Blues, It nourishs her mind, she's never there for you, she shakes her keys, springtime in warm climes, is no Odyssey, filled with a loving need, for her family's rthymes, she'll stamp her feet, shriek what's new, forget your sense of ease, he died for you, she smells the sea.

Thursday 6 April 2023


Nothing scares us this Friday, we can we be happy, even when night times rage, we are never alone, but he sees, witnesses but not condones, we all know anyway, what it's like to be, a life lived to negotiate, why kid our elderly bones, strangers don't do uncertainty, want to live like scarecrows, to sing softly again, in chorus with fraternity, our wounds calmed by rain, different choices of grace, who needs emnity, my grappling embrace, walking on my knees.


If nothing scares us by day, how can we be happy, when night times rage, we are never alone, but it takes such energy, to witness and not condone, we'll all know someway, where lies fate or destiny, stuff we can always ascertain, why live on elderly bones, Americans don't do uncertainty, We want to be scarecrows, I'm singing softly again, living in that fraternity, my wounds calmed by rain, different my choice of grace, who would want to see, my grappling forays, my joyous release.

Monday 3 April 2023


What you create, with me as your creed, leaves me intestate, a tune with broken tones, in that dreadful scene, when you left home, you didn't hesitate, to polish the dream, shine the moon’s oblate, blow the wind cold, it knows what you;ve seen, the clouds grow bold the clock turns again, don’t dance in the cream, show a generous face , like you’re never old , be brave enough to scream, don’t care what I’ve done, settle it with me.

Sunday 2 April 2023


The way you hook, when your lover tells lies, money you pooled, now out on your own, in a poor welcome light, sunlight on the stones, he tells you its ruined, you don’t know why, you're 38 and cool, but no more wrongs, it's useless to cry, the knife's on the bone, always too soon, forever to sigh, to think what she’s doing, but whatever has gone, she’ll walk in the lilac, say hello to song, spring shoos her home.

Saturday 1 April 2023


Sweet talk makes you curl, enough to say Basta, never just a candy whirl, silken wraps you've thrown, always collapse, eyes alight like stones, plates occasionally hurled, nothing holds you fast, makes you torn or scared, life is what you own, if they think that crass, consider them gone, you're not perturbed, now that time has passed, you're not that girl, dancing on brown chairs, singing songs that match, you say you don’t care, keep it yourself or burn, put your love on gas, let the flame flare, make it last.