Tuesday, 31 December 2024
Stuck in the cafe' lanes,
you just don't know,
what you have to pay,
the same with John Doe,
and other one time Beaus,
which way it will go,
just when you say,
God give me a show,
someone else turns up late,
boy they break my bones,
think that if I dance slow,
they can take me home,
forget finding a mate,
winter rills are full of snow,
tell them I have to skate,
need lightness not groans,
wine to sip not jersey Joes,
have no need to atone,
starting New Year's happy day,
listening to the wind blow,
laughter rises up again,
shines my soul.
Monday, 30 December 2024
By a train last night,
I swore faithfully ,
no more just the sights,
travelling to Naples,
the train rocks me gently,
it says everything's OK,
we talk of a writer,
called Andrea Camilleri,
you kiss me quietly,
stars know when they're made,
glamorous, perfect, serene,
it makes me scared,
images best taken in light,
show what others don't see,
why so many have cried,
look at how they sway,
the poor on the streets,
begging at St Anthony's quay.
bless Saint Philip Neri.
Sunday, 29 December 2024
Your house beyond the dunes,
roses listen at the sky,
does death bring us truth,
all poets die intestate,
however much they lie,
is this a time for rage,
even God is not immune,
don't put his love aside,
he's not one to dupe,
fire burns in the grate,
look up and give a sigh,
anchors bind my feet,
it isn't me you fool,
dancing in the tide,
you know who loves you,
all our petty hates,
left hanging out to dry,
lover's fervant states,
come to say we're through,
pilloried troubled nights,
God what a crew,
doubts go from your eyes.
Can you remember the sea,
its swell and the spray,
our dance of Thebes,
now the kids have gone,
snowbirds flown away,
it looks after its own,
we dance on windy beach,
at the end of our days,
all's within our reach,
yet parts of the home,
lie suddenly drained,
we find ourselves alone,
you tickle my feet,
guide me like a stray,
my troubles ease,
across winter fields,
furrowed into fine lace,
I forget my worries,
catch views like these,
little wonder why I pray,
buy me chips and coffee,
introduce me to Cocaine.
Saturday, 28 December 2024
Can you remember the sea,
its swell and the spray,
our dance of Thebes,
now the kids have gone,
snowbirds flown away,
it looks after its own,
we dance on the beach,
at the end of our days,
all's within our reach,
yet parts of the home,
lie suddenly drained,
we find ourselves alone,
you tickle my feet,
guide me like a stray,
my troubles ease,
across winter fields,
woven into lace,
I forget my worries,
catch views like these,
little wonder why I pray,
buy me chips and coffee,
let me eat away.
Friday, 27 December 2024
Who hasn't thought,
alone and perplexed,
thinking oh Lord,
maybe a drink of wine,
the burdens of text,
Birthdays or Valentines,
consume all that's sought,
down throats of the vexed,
wonder how we're doing,
spending everything Online,
wonder what pops up next,
asking for money or time,
husband;s lover's divorces,
light moving from the West,
drunk and overwrought,
who;s died in the Mall,
staring at the rest,
don't give me a call,
a bundle of noughts,
file compatability tests,
isn't life joyous,
are'nt we always pressed ?
Thursday, 26 December 2024
Ice and blue this morning,
colors of the way I feel,
between Me and him snoring,
Chicago's full od snow
we;ve hit an amber need,
the way things are going,
while its still the dawning,
looks all set to freeze,
why I fought so long,
geese raise barren tones,
my life is with their creed,
their crying seems old,
bravely honking never fawning,
racing south to new fields,
am I lucky to have nothing,
to stay on the stones,
step smoking just at ease,
standing in the cold,
thinking of the sea.
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
i have no need to follow,
tales of other's affairs,
who needs more drama,
why raise a cheer,
show only you don't care
some only wander here,
the cool evening swallows.
a light like Ferrara,
falls when wrong's wallow,
on the road with inner peace,
I'll live or die to share,
wine that isn't cheap,
let the candle burn its tallow.
its flames happy snare,
enjoy end of year's song,
with bums who seek relief,
explode laughter everywhere,
even in our turbulent peace,
lies my prayer.
Tuesday, 24 December 2024
She has such a giving smile,
she brings me sustenance,
at Christmas time,
what we can't do alone,
is seek repentance,
in circumstances not our own,
wine pours at my side,
it's like a Christening,
cake is lit with lights,
am I here or gone,
she hasn't a cent,
but laughs at the unknown,
lives with good vibes,
celebrates a life of richness,
wants her life open eyed,
her slumber's a loving one,
a rhythm gently lent,
horizons to be looked upon,
my greatest day arrives,
washes onto her innocence,
she is like the tides,
an island spirit.
Monday, 23 December 2024
She has such a giving way,
she brings me Bollinger,
on Christmas Day,
what we can't do alone,
is seek repentance,
in circumstances not our own,
wine pours down my face,
it's like a Christening,
she lights the fruit cake,
am I here or gone,
she hasn't a cent,
but laughs at the unknown,
who lives with good taste,
celebrates a life of richness,
calls upon me to pray,
her slumber's a loving one,
like s rhythm gently spent,
lives we look in upon,
my greatest days,
awash on her innocence,
they are like waves,
to a beautiful spirit.
Sunday, 22 December 2024
Tell me everything shared,
all that we cannot say,
try to look unconcerned,
cards are like schooners,
ploughing furrows in the Bay,
throw me the next boomer,
remain where you are,
in a bar that's shady,
don't worry about your hair,
ask me to pray and hope,
where you want to stay,
far from this dockside role,
you knew successful players,
it was a different age,
your tune still resonates,
hangs on everything I know,
a veil across my face,
all that you didn't show,
stay with the memories here,
bound within your palisade,
now when memory snares,
you were once so great.
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Music is my being,
we accept her burnt cheer,
but bring me a real cradle,
walk the city of stones,
down an avenue so clear,
it stokes the pheremones,
vacated lovers in our trade,
we handle them without fear,
seek good parent's ways,
long journey's to the coast,
nothing is too dear,
swallow deep the ozone,
never willful or on show,
our donors don't come near,
their nightmare unknown,
support bears no shame,
why we'd never jeer,
those who helped a decent lady,
my golden skin is toned,
lawyer friends shed no tears,
my warm untroubled home,
will grow as baby's years.
Friday, 20 December 2024
Sometimes the moon just creeps,
between stars white and clear,
I only hear alarms bleep,
before any whispered groan,
am working through my fears,
parade like a troubled soul,
Sommelier chefs and creeps,
I drink too much beer,
fallen in much too deep,
what lies inside my bones,
bringing up the rear,
a regular girl's lost home,
the five and dime is cheap,
darkness hides my gear,
a knife's sparkling sheath,
these grey walls dance alone,
what I've sought so dear,
a swathe of light long gone,
brought from a lonely pier.
Thursday, 19 December 2024
The year Lady passed away,
I couldn't get past 19,
youth shrunken day to day,
hated that she died alone,
missing everyone from the Street,
on the Avenue or Metro,
but you were an angel,
my heart was missing beats,
sustained by rage,
you arranged the loans,
sang all her songs with me,
put jelly on my bones,
before her great fame,
she knew what it was to be,
promoted as an underground baby,
then you stopped the phones,
said I'd broken free,
have to do it on your own,
Now I sing about waste,
but also her great resume',
so when my voice is raised,
it honours her sincerity.
Shadows make strokes,
against the falling rain,
shocked again i'm broke,
echoes of an empty field,
doctor's remedy sad holiday,
it's news to me,
at the bus stop alone,
loss brings no certainty,
I really need a loan,
songs have a dismal feel,
lonely whistles come off trains,
rush to beg and wheedle,
love's missing on your bones,
cats trip down the Freeway,
they know to mark zones,
suddenly I'm released,
sunlight cradles my face,
bright as a bird at sea,
my soul soars reclaimed.
Tuesday, 17 December 2024
They say he's been a champ,
but walks with weary gait,
senses my cologne is damp,
I'll ask him to my table,
brought here by old waiters,
to feed his eormous frame,
not a picture to look upon,
swaying like a knave,
sighing his work is done,
unshaven in gaiters,
a gas fired winter cafe',
he wonders if I'll faint,
women around me act alone,
love his oily battered face,
a hundred ways to charm,
fighting's brought him fame,
his museum a lonely place,
smiles at uncertain forays,
I stare from under my lamp,
wet lights above his name,
is the world his caravan,
does he know his own game ?
Monday, 16 December 2024
You've paid all your dues,
confined within that space,
sift what's left of you,
new horizons gifted to share,
never made your plate,
seize something as your turn.
fired as a lover's swoon,
feel the joy of praise
witness the cusp of moon,
rage against all's not fair,
that drives anyone away ,
thank God life is spared,
this night of winter fugue,
throw darkness to the waves,
feel phosphorous surround you,
leave without a backward care,
home's not all that great,
play a well used dare,
pretend it's all a game.
Sunday, 15 December 2024
You need to take care,
I look at the rain,
anywhere else is nowhere,
don't know what to do,
but each night pray,
i won't come back to you,
As if you might share,
I hear myself say,
no more lies to bare,
all finished me and you,
since you chose delay,
for other things to do,
love's not always fair,
to watch time slip away,
make a sound unheard,
sometime sing the blues,
what it does to take,
ruin every bit of good,
always wanted to compare,
as if a faulty drain,
water dampens your hair,
turns it grey again.
Saturday, 14 December 2024
When you see a fading star,
does it make you queasy,
knowing you can go so far,
If its firesides and logs,
just float like a seal,
in a warm hazy fog,
why not fly to Mars,
forget about tranquility,
fashion your own spar,
if it's not what he wants,
try the singing wheel,
spin out stuff you don't,
holy water's in your socks,
not all cards are dealed,
just know what's going on,
be like someone from afar,
roving across the sea,
sailing like the Cutty Sark,
let him do serenity.
Friday, 13 December 2024
You appear stoned,
your picture up in lights,
big letters dance on walls.
if love holds true,
knows which notes to rise,
they go wild for you,
tell me you're not lonely,
no matter what the sight,
strains to belt out tones,
they call you Miss Fortune,
wise before your time,
how you wish it true,
screams from the auditorium,
dreams of roadie paradise,
flames without a home,
your brassy lovely soul,
blazes beyond our night,
but desert wind blows cold,
clouds ride black and blue,
in evenings of winter fire,
do you sing to atone,
life turns out alright?
Thursday, 12 December 2024
Living here's no paradise,
never makes the news,
somewhere not so nice,
we could be in space,
stars and sea like glue,
better than in this place,
who wants bitter strife,
accept what we can do,
some wait all their lives,
our song still resonates,
holds a ring of truth,
remember when we had dates,
this district tells us why,
always a song for you,
beyond sodium pikey lights,
it's what we create,
Saturdays's our hullabuloo,
we don't hesitate,
home is to stay up nights,
drink and sing and cook,
maybe it's the way we try,
look for everything good.
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Since you've been away,
i don't know what to do,
but each night pray,
brokenn the sacred mould,
say its finished for you,
need to leave this home,
watch ships in the Bay,
funells blow what's new,
no more bailing hay,
when you had to go,
forever bent the rules,
it's better on your own,
your hair is now grey,
sup your bowls of gruel,
you've eaten all your cake,
confined within your bones,
what is there of truth,
nothing but fine margins,
sing your lonesome blues.
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
I put away the years,
his lovely face warm,
laugh over a happy beer,
geese rise in the sky,
fly above the farm,
they know of your plight,
say why you're really here,
stretch out wilted arms,
cards marked and left in fear,
just across the heights,
you're not that far,
but atay for the night,
in long alcohol tears,
spell out what's been lost,
need to make parts cleat,
a veil passes my sight,
what's broken hits the alarm,
if you've had a fight,
I'll undwestand
Monday, 9 December 2024
What you have been taught,
to always play the fool,
bores you as an unread tort,
nothing more to say,
try to make life smooth,
drive in falling snow flakes,
go where life is fraught,
rage against the Blues,
spin through winter's court,
think of sunlit days,
the sea still surrounds you,
just go within its frame,
no books or items bought,
home provides no clue,,
life is more than nought,
set your heart ablaze,
the trail is well used,
everyone what you cannot do,
you;re going anyway.
Sunday, 8 December 2024
You say up your game,
ask how much we chance,
shuffle what remains,
listen to our muted song,
who would ever chance,
all the things gone wrong,
watching the rain,
sheet down naked footpaths,
you pause in refrain,
sing the ease of crowded bars,
cargo ships and sunlit France,
rooms with dark marks,
red lips white faced,
cigarettes smoked and laughs,
sipping fine champagne,
here we just bumble along,
flying by our pants,
wish we were better strong,
watching while lighted trains,
moan thru' stations underpass,
burning like flames,
we're not like tramps.
Saturday, 7 December 2024
Blows flame into my bones,
shares jokes in the dust,
then she stays alone,
knew her from the jail,
a blanket on the dust,
always cheery never fails,
brought her own console,
with that smell of musk,
a woman so strong,
ice blue on her nails,
files them till she's bust,
absorbed in all her ways,
no one asks for loans,
dry cake without a crust,
in what she has foregone,
haunts me like a ghost,
I did what i could,
smoke cigarettes on the phone,
she rides away at dusk.
Friday, 6 December 2024
Ask me to ferment desire,
a place with faded windows,
it just suits me fine,
I can play the mule,
let you warm your toes,
but not as a fool,
nearly young with a smile,
love free to bestow,
you can stay a while,
my cabin's smoky blue,
what it doesn't show,
dreams my folks refused,
their hopes on midnight wires,
more than you;d evet know,
echoes down warm nights,
C'mon fill your boots,
a chance not to blow,
the way we've been used,
want you to deny,
all my joys and sorrows,
rage against the light,
walls sleep in the glow.
Thursday, 5 December 2024
You extract a heavy score,
my fingertips are ruined,
love is at the core,
can you see my eyes,
drop like a scalded broom,
strapped in useless diaguise,
live life don't whore,
leave me here to stew,
pray to broken laws,
say you are not wise,
only fools pay dues,
I will run a mile,
don't divide me by sorts,
pray to the moon,
think that I'm forlorn,
baby you;ll take flight,
listening to my tunes,
run awasy crying,
think I'm doomed ?
What might have been,
it's not fair,
give a life that's free,
don't talk of virtue,
you're not that aware,
to run from the truth,
blowing like steam,
your eyes flared,
why talk peaches and cream,
say what you once knew,
is my speech so slurred,
you need more proof,
at drinks on glossy evenings,
would you not care,
nights i played the beast,
look at me i seethe,
catch a glimpse of grey hair,
can you love me,
dare or scared ?
Tuesday, 3 December 2024
Just smile and calmly state,
serenity holds my fear,
tell the others at the gate,
pour money into schools,
don't act like a seer,
smile like a generous fool,
there are no bad fates,
blown like weather steers,
we are never too late,
regard what soars above,
enjoy what's nearly here,
you can feel the love,
whatever else is great,
my vision is he's near,
a lifetime given to wait,
shocked you need more proof,
fly to those who cheer,
fresh linen and dry wood,
see the star ice clear.
Monday, 2 December 2024
Your star is coming home,
hear a police car's zoom,
in gardens you lie prone,
whisper love on idle phones,
your ravaged face a moon,
saints bleed out their tomes,
a song massages your soul,
makes you drink too soon,
birds sing on their own,
a lifetime learning to moan,
fly to those whose truth,
sweetens linen eau de cologne,
hear them forever groan,
on sunlit afternoons,
you wear a red raincoat,
remember you are not alone,
millions can think of doom,
just seek the right tone,
out of darkness is you.
Sunday, 1 December 2024
Har the wind going boom,
listen to what's above,
forget those who fume,
you're not frightened,
want to soar like a dove,
don't you go and blow it,
what settles on the loom,
is need enough to shove
bad fear in the room,
to rescue God or try,
brush away unwanted love,
laugh why you ask why,
what comes 'round too soon,
is often misunderstood,
dancing Divas won't swoon,
now is where you fly,
safe to open the hood,
songbursts without trying,
thrum around your blood.
Saturday, 30 November 2024
Don't need a shrink,
a new lover somehow,
gives me a glass to chink,
what i might disown,
he's only young,
brings with him new stories,
can see how you blink,
he won't need a plough,
to tend to my jinks,
a fine display for the crown,
contains buttons i've sewn,
nothing will bring us down,
I dance on the brink,
it's a whole summer furlough,
sun that gladdens then sinks,
my fields turn dull brown,
the heat off my brow,
would light up a town,
shall i drink more drink,
will they ship me now,
my face a rosy pink,
who cares for tomorrow ?
Friday, 29 November 2024
You appear cloned,
your picture up in lights,
signs written on the wall.
if love holds true,
knows which bells to strike,
they clang we love you,
tells us we're not alone,
no matter how we fight,
strain our yellow bones,
we call you miss Fortune,
pretty before your time,
who can bear the truth,
the screams down a ‘phone,
a faith lost in paradise,
flames never coming home,
clouds are a blackened hue,
in nights of winter fire,
what's become of you,
your beauty talented soul,
grazes our delight,
wind turns a sudden cold,
stars come out like ice.
Thursday, 28 November 2024
Go on assign your chores,
or other things you do,
scream like I'm a whore,
throw stones at boomers,
fill your eyes with goo,
sing birds out of tune,
keep up with the law,
don't pretend my perfume,
makes you want to snort,
we're not alone in this brew,
dancing light of costumes,
jail provides no clue,
God knows at your core,
you try to rest assumed,
all our cards are scored,
never that stupid,
to say its not you,
just some other crew,
a veil you can draw,
across my face in virtue,
illuminates your craw,
missing out on truth.
Wednesday, 27 November 2024
My mother says keep true,
but she doesn't rate,
our love running smooth,
it brings me back to you,
by mountains and coarse lakes,
love to do what we do,
don't melt me lemon blue,
my yellow hair just shakes,
it blows down the avenue,
our trips to secret venues,
make me sometimes hesitate,
luckily there's no curfew,
pass this day can't you,
each evening celebrate.
no one's out to get us,
why worry about the feuds,
life shows all its breaks,
stir in some wicked tunes,
see the sound it makes.
Tuesday, 26 November 2024
Who knows if she's right,
when she can demand anything,
like grey sea off Martha's shank,
her smile arrives in a sling,
beams where my heart sank,
she's never left a family’s side,
but comes here to sing,
a woman who has to fight,
her lungs like a tank,
that blows through any ring,
bursts open doors of banks,
next to me like a bride,
her lips shine like shillings,
around a constant sigh,
her days are never lank,
nails me with that smile,
too assured let's be frank.
tobacco blonde full of lies,
a dancer whose fame decides,
many a famous night,
who dances in the tide.
Monday, 25 November 2024
Times that brought her here,
a yellow light of feasting,
she dreams of winter fairs,
won't let anyone condone,
what passes for ease,
harsh memories a broken home,
more than any fear,
she'll do what's needed,
holding back the tears,
love seeps around her throat,
it reaches her knees.
trembles in a toll of water,
lets go a life of drear,
knows what she's leaving,
stuff fought over and cleared,
a used loading stone,
she throws to the sea,
swears she'll never atone,
fixed like an overseer,
she cries upon release,
wonders if anyone hears,
life settles easy.
Sunday, 24 November 2024
Bells ring out the night,
will we ever see home,
like a song beseeches why,
the Americas near or far,
by mountains in the gloam,
where we'll make our mark,
is land within our sight,
a warm embrace of domes,
give me your sweet sign,
love only turns to tar,
when dancers lose their soul,
everything becomes stark,
in darkness and green light,
our lives are surely formed,
you always shine so bright,
no wonder you're a star,
do not need a semaphore,
to guide us where we are,
through seas alone.
Saturday, 23 November 2024
She's left the family gate,
but comes back here to sing,
everyone knows she's great,
she can beckon any time,
next to me like a fling,
around a constant why,
voyages to the olden days,
dust her golden sling,
her almond eyes serrate,
the song within her sight,
shines upon her ring
an old man and his wife,
birds call to conjugate,
aware of coming Spring,
she puts seasons on the slate,
sweeps the moon with wine,
her audience is crying,
says she'll always be mine,
to them she's everything.
Face down terrible shades,
no star can fall shor,
to meet outrageous claims,
you who wonder why,
I can walk the walk,
admire these cotton stripes,
this no child’s game,
every ship sails caulked,
chasing my days,
it's you who always lie,
golden trinkets small talk,
spin your crass disguise,
glad tidings on the way,
your hay bale's forked,
hits anyone on the make,
only fools can try,
treat me like a Stork
brother why don't you fly,
I'm no sleepy dork.
Thursday, 21 November 2024
what's left of Mila,
she laughs oddly dumb,
says she'll be a gonna,
knows it's stupid to lie.
just the line she hums,
never figures out the timing,
what about that offer,
she drinks a little Rum,
smokes rollups to follow,
won't issue any more sighs,
children late for school,
skirt what's on the line,
you might call her callow,
more like a beaten drum,
a candle's fading tallow,
a winter's morning light.
a decision beyond the ruins,
its the strangest sight,
to see beyond serfdom.
Wednesday, 20 November 2024
Am not your bite,
like the big sea,
rolls tides in yellow light,
what about your lover,
with all her surly needs,
has she got your number,
to bring you to this site,
if it's in your creed,
celebrate what's yours in life,
let a cliff of wonder,
be witness to your ease,
bathed in a high slumber,
stones flowers birds in flight,
know enough to see,
what is your right,
waves would carry you in,
why wait for their levee,
don't make it spinning fibs,
lifetimes of greed.
Tuesday, 19 November 2024
She says We're going nowhere,
doesn't want to moan,
paints her toes railway slow,
she has stripped my bones,
has an Italian home,
cares only for the show,
states we're sliding further,
like sinking you know,
it's different in Val d'Isere,
keeping up a cheerful tone,
since our time in Rome,
I try to ease the blow,
life isn't really fair,
with all your money on loan,
think how others must share,
she laughs at men with iphones,
who try to create a glow,
Dahling where will we go,
us generous souls ?
Monday, 18 November 2024
Tunes jingle and play,
my insides screech,
grant me please another day,
between home and missing you,
another comes to tell me,
feels the way he does,
my tear streaked disgrace,
lemon blue by the sea,
shows the fruit I've tasted,
how to kill the truth,
by insufferable conceit,
a conscience left to rue,
maybe it's all too late,
am so eager to delete,
memories of his lovely face,
what salvages my blues,
saved from a coward's retreat,
is knowing I won't say,
what comes easy.
Sunday, 17 November 2024
Make offers taste so sweet,
no need for distance,
look at my swollen feet,
strained to my bones,
wonder about his place,
its heart beat a stone,
buses churn along the street,
blown in with the rain,
this harbour is no retreat,
alone with surly motto's,
just what to say,
will he simply condone,
laugh at my testimony,
subject driven day after day,
ask what price offertory,
when my jokes are torn,
the useless games we play,
ask him for money owed,
he sneers at my beseecching,
says he's in a cage,
who is he to believe,
lies across my face ?
Saturday, 16 November 2024
My good parts,
he firmly states,
are your good heart,
just look at the moon,
a spring tide today,
everything's here too soon,
am cool but my eyes dart,
say wouldn't it be great,
to rise like a lark,
go and live in Vera Cruz,
he's poised but waits,
doesn't want more bad news,
psychiatrists for a start,
play down this emotion game,
pay him and sell the car,
he'll be back soon,
my lover smiles and hesitates,
kisses me like a bruise,
tears me apart,
am the fool you say,
to let you go so far,
colour floods my face.
Friday, 15 November 2024
Don't need a shrink,
a new lover somehow,
gives me time to think,
just what can be disposed,
like a bar in town,
sells buns off a barrow,
see what you're thinking,
but who needs to know,
he's 20 years younger finks,
a display on their frowns,
contains what i've shown,
informs them who is owed,
dancing on the brink,
though a whole summer furlough,
gather glasses smile and blink,
my politics golden rose,
its enough to flop down,
heat drips off the shadows,
shall i drink more drink,
will they ship me now,
my face like an ice rink,
a lousy dumb clown ?
Thursday, 14 November 2024
Things we fly away from,
some won't make sunset,
scattered sundered gone,
my spirit's gifts are few,
bring astonished wonder,
mouth a whispered thank you,
one of them sings C'mon,
fight fire and distant thunder,
show us why we run,
among some unwashed crew,
feel myself crumble,
always listen to the news,
what price this throng,
beyond our daily jumble,
hear just one lovely song,
fighting bitter feuds,
how the world slumbers,
we taste an illicit brew,
night winds sing forever,
my arms hold my lover,
on his sleeve chance number,
my face a sweet mirror.
Wednesday, 13 November 2024
Why live in a haze,
sheltered by the bins,
smoking out of tje rain,
best not to groan,
burn a holy candle,
life is only a loan,
cheer up tell yourself again,
scour the kitchen pans,
mime your perfect phrases,
wear to work best clothes,
enjoy the contrast,
you'll never be alone,
make a step change,
blow the last ten grand,
explore love instead of trade,
when someone moans,
says no one understands,
move out of that zone,
let your world expand.
Tuesday, 12 November 2024
Don't sing anyone's tunes,
sit sadly on the wire,
always pay your dues,
life isn't a stone,
to toss in the fire.
you should not atone,
whoever reads the news,
ask who is for hire,
acknowledge the doings,
philosophers with tomes,
may dessicTE desire,
make someplace your home,
read all the books,
they'LL always inspire,
but never overlook,
that little piece of truth,
why be a denier,
love your jeans and Blues,
each little bit of you,
in case some Dude enquires,
is not up for ruin,
why be a liar?
Monday, 11 November 2024
What you hold consistent,
remains having flings,
swallow up resistance,
your search for true breeze,
one that provides the tingle,
joins songs of the free,
do you fear my persistence,
an assembly of jingles,
sometimes you can kiss,
my collection of pieces,
ones i've learned to dangle,
when you smell the sea,
will you stand faceless,
each time finingle,
when winds ease your promise,
you can laugh guiltless,
instead of some ring,
to circle the blue Ithmus,
turn sunlight into vista,
why you dance and mingle,
but come back to us,
all my blown wishess,
across tidal wood and shingle,
is only what i'd miss,
if you remained single?
Drunk enough to ask why,
accept I've been chosen,
before any of you deny,
laugh at all my crazes,
what I try to provoke,
with stupid phrases,
sing instead my favourite lines,
our time goes by unspoken,
except what heaven's supplied,
blown away all my traces,
neither shied away nor coaxed,
these wonderful days,
with you by my side,
to verify love's soaking,
no cloud sails the sky,
what settles on our faces,
makes us laugh at cold bones,
before you pack the cases,
a flower at my side,
just some little token,
more than any pride,
we are far from broken.
Saturday, 9 November 2024
Before you go and blow it,
dust settle after breeze,
be brave enough to know it,
what flies before the rain,
has reached a God so sweet,
don't brush him away,
love lies here soaking,
laughs at all you've seen,
faith is never broken,
sing that song again,
brush red and golden leaves,
accept it's all a game,
hear a lullaby groan,
never fake what is to be,
forget all you've shown,
fly away to Spain,
dance on islands eternally,
let no one hold your reins,
best not to moan,
keep hold of your creed,
sing softly as you go,
on land or by sea.
Friday, 8 November 2024
Wild Flowers in your tunes,
bending at the thrill,
when you note the truth,
life is not some rosy jape,
that anyone can spill,
to make you feel unsafe,
give money to every fool,
find ways to laugh still,
draw comfort in their hue,
walk among them every day,
they will help you kill,
the love he threw away,
forever dream of good news,
don't worry at night's chill,
you are free of refuge,
douse yourself in perfume,
make your voice tilt,
feel your petals bloom,
walk amongst the hills.
Thursday, 7 November 2024
You pull on your gloves,
take your time,
tell him beat it Bud,
remember which tune,
that mends broken lives,
hear it still beat true,
heaven's a cover,
when you reach that line,
never sing it in blood,
ahall I hum it for you,
listen to the clock chime,
you have nothing to rue,
praise all those who scrub,
lead generous lives,
they'll always find love,
like never want to chew,
mysteries of your life,
there's so much to do,
hear the wind above,
savour each red wine,
fly like a released dove,
never be frightened.
Wednesday, 6 November 2024
In a room that creaks,
listening to the rain,
I turn to him and speak,
say this is not my tune,
he looks away,
my words are too few,
the walls are washed green,
the moon sits waiting,
It knows where I've been,
Paris and sunlit avenues,
not somewhere opaque,
places with sinews,
wrapped in a cotton sheet,
he pulls at my traces,
his long gait and knees,
the shingle is slippery,
the bed's like a cradle,
you can smell the sea,
love marks the day. .
Tuesday, 5 November 2024
We live or die in here,
the first one offers wine,
others circle near,
bereft of any lonely starts,
our debts remain high,
the journey always far,
a moon shows trees sere,
each place circled bright,
no one hides their fear,
whoever makes their mark,
another wonders why,
chirps some happy part,
lemon eyes cry bitter tears,
chill a sparkly night,
rise of danger always near,
before any falling star,
a place withr sodium lights,
tells you where you are,
on walls is written life,
Monday, 4 November 2024
Please try to release me,
is it really so hard,
when I'm not yours to be,
there are other plans,
that are not for sharing,
can't you understand,
that tune in blue seas,
spreads light on the dark,
spins back on the lee,
you somehow need to snare,
say heaven's a card,
plan when we get there,
you can set me free,
not chained to the earth,
with little homilies,
those hymns to serendipity,
that you say are fair,
your voice so discreet
makes me feel scared.
Sunday, 3 November 2024
Is this what we're taught,
you know about horses,
how to turn them out,
won't you take a chance,
forget about losers,
come with me to France,
they have lovely waters,
shuddering at what's sought,
makes me pause for thought,
is it me askance,
scouring life for daughters,
that boil not yet lanced,
laugh our simple laughter,
play a world wise chord,
places still left for wonder,
we'll use it for balance,
ride around like Lords,
give tickets to chancers,
everything's bought.
Saturday, 2 November 2024
Your face to the ozone,
somewhere far from fantasy,
tells me all I know,
miles away from deadlines,
dread political commentary,
a love combined with mine,
your cheeks smooth as loam,
when your torso pulls free,
helps me bake my scones,
on Sunday's we drink wine,
and you my lover seize,
life from this gentle clime,
we resist its tooth comb,
dance like honey bees,
around the rhododedrums,
on a footpath without signs,
in a house besides the sea,
we choose to spend our time,
as our bodies list and groan,
let us dare to be,
angels coming home,
watching ships eternally.
Friday, 1 November 2024
Your smile tells me prance,
sat here in the lee,
the fear of being danced ,
voices raise smart chit chat,
all its ever been,
places filled with chancers
catch the gaze of nuance
this is not new me,
him with his faded flowers,
he holds my hand and asks,
is it lemonade or tea
that keeps me balanced,
behind him bean counters,
point out rooms to party,
smoke and look around,
others drink from flasks,
watch as i suffer quickly,
just forget the past,
can we go gome quietly ?
Thursday, 31 October 2024
What dreams have we kept,
they ask us the ghosts,
sat on bar stools bereft,
leave us alone thank you,
our skin might need soap,
but we know something new,
not to be fettered,
twisted around like rope,
let us take the weather,
do what you say don't,
faces strong as stones,
who needs your purview,
kind actions make us clever,
carry tiny worms of hope,
deep within our breasts,
don't ask how we slept,
or will we cope,
on ships or stations left,
summoning our dragoons,
hearts burst their scope,
being filled with virtue,
requires polished tones.
Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Who can dream of empathy,
sitting on a wall,
boom of a broken sea,
I find his eyes awake,
dancing on thorns,
he reads me and shakes,
each day of uncertainty,
echoed by his phone calls,
an absence of reality,
who wants to stake,
a fear of being torn,
no wonder why i hesitate,
someone turns and asks me,
a penny for your thoughts,
I think about infidelity,
so useless to fake,
the lies we cast abroad,
waiting for the next train,
uncertainty digests reason,
wondering if i'm born,
within this season,
shirred egg thoughts.
Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Forget that you're better,
those who try to kid,
would they stay together,
the Fleet's here to booze,
off their foreign trips.
and there's more good news,
love is by request,
where you laugh and skip,
plenty of time to rest,
no time for Tuesday's Blues,
rolling off your hips,
more a pause for truth,
forget any easy duress,
giving men the slip,
anchors weigh on their chest,
wearing your shiny shoes,
kissing your finger tips,
Juke Box plays your tune,
could you be any lesser,
wonder if stripped,
you still read his letters,
wise in what you miss ?
Monday, 28 October 2024
i'm not a fool to fawn,
before trials like that,
my heart beats forlorn,
I want to tell the sea,
from my sinking raft,
she's the best to dream,
spirit finds ancient form,
from our little chats,
I sail to perfect calm,
can i state this clearly,
roar like a big cat,
what's the worst you've been,
from a love that's torn,
sailing the morning flats,
is not my idea of scorn,
giving it all isn't done,
these waves won't last,
this girl's coming home,
like she was never born,
how's that for a gas,
westwards into dawn,
Oceans let me pass.
Sunday, 27 October 2024
From her back porch seat,
she carries a load,
no time to think of defeat,
secrets like lemons steeped,
ravaged lipstick Eau De Cologne,
she makes a song of feelings,
when lovers trick or treat,
she discovers perfume soaked,
they drink their whisky neat,
living by a swollen creek,
her Bible's brave and a bold,
brings her sense of ease,
a granny rolls her sleeves,
she's no rolling stone,
an MK rifle by the sheets,
doesn't taste grape or yeast,
isolated but not alone,
what's better than a feast,
measures out her runner beans,
the kids still call home,
blowing fields of blue wheat,
it's her vision stowed.
Saturday, 26 October 2024
You know what i mean,
loving a rolling stone,
narrow face deep seamed,
i'm cool but burn with rage,
even if he atones,
he figures an open gate,
just isn't my scene,
his journey's are cloned,
long past what i've seen,
but I prevaricate,
the knife is put on hold,
why always too late,
never safe to heed,
the nub of what i'm doing,
will he make me plead,
wave bye bye to good taste,
I have him all alone,
my turn now to create,
I conjure up a scheme,
can still hear him groan,
will he break free,
when i say leave home?
Friday, 25 October 2024
Imagine why I'm cold,
what has come to be,
dances by the love you sold,
sing that song you cry,
growl it like a sea,
a pink rose before you die,
panic shall not show,
who holds the bridge,
best that I don't moan,
keep hold of my lights,
you will hardly see,
the hidden cup of Cium,
birds that have flown,
fly through their weeping,
singing as they go,
they swoop across the bite,
lost amongst the screed,
problems set aside,
the wind blows fiery baritone,
all we have seen,
the time that was khown,
dissolves before me.
Monday, 21 October 2024
Some loon with broken tones,
always make you sigh,
about times you left home,
you didn't hesitate,
to polish the lies,
a moon turns on its plate,
it knows what's done,
she understands why,
the tides start to flow,
going boom clocks gyrate,
ticking outside my life,
what a generous waste,
like you could never show,
hurt enough to weep outside,
the pain within your soul,
gentle breezes rescue late,
to love again and try,
throw fears to the grate,
smile at lullaby's.
Sunday, 20 October 2024
Think you're so great,
at anothers demise,
stop before it's too late,
what makes you this cruel,
does stuff go on inside,
dissipating your cool,
even in pain,
those eyes like fireflies,
always looking to make hay,
the way you brood,
cooked over lies,
not what you should do,
here in this game,
you race for your life,
but who holds the reins,
a cracked open Dude,
may offer you insight,
he's not one to fool,
whoever asks why?
No one takes me for a fool
an Ocean town to play in,
if they stick to rules,
consider them gone,
you're not a cretin,
who dances all alone,
when you bring good news,
its a poor welcome,
other skeletons schooled,
in a dim shady tone,
sunlight plays on the seraphim,
you're 38 with good bones,
but no more cool,
tell them what you're doing,
time comes by too soon,
horizonz make me 'plode,
wave goodbye to xanalin,
sail by stars for home,
no more dream slipping.
Friday, 18 October 2024
Please don't act fine,
playing out your games,
as if there's a chime,
maybe it's the blues,
hung on some lousy frame,
makes it always you,
nothing turns out right,
so far away from rain,
sleeping rough with wine,
what's the latest bum tune,
coming home you say,
it'll pass for good news,
naked to your crimes,
you face the coming day,
lost in your own designs,
who gave you the cue,
to wait for dismal train,
remember the choices,
darling children's names?
Thursday, 17 October 2024
Is it me all alone,
his turn now to bleed,
turn off that useless phone,
lay open the ghosts,
from the gate they scream,
don't bring them home ,
why wail in broken tones
sat on bar stools seats,
you never could throw stones,
do you need a trombone,
to accompany your creed,
when your creation's done,
gone gone,
like your unruly needs,
does it help moving on,
with me as your pheromone,
in this unlit scene,
a cache of unread tomes,
to polish my dreams ?
Wednesday, 16 October 2024
The land within his sight,
an old man and his star,
a voyage full of strife,
he sets his almond eyes
birds sing on the tar,
strain their voices high,
sweep summer to the sky,
the moon is up so far,
hope sings on midnight wires,
alone in this lasting light,
a door is still ajar,
maybe she's there his wife,
still minds all the fights,
when she left the farm,
someone understood his plight,
brought her back tonight,
home away from Casino bars,
if he plays it right,
his cards all marked.
Tuesday, 15 October 2024
The moon hesitates,
it knows where I've been,
wind blows through the slates,
the clock ticking boom,
singing out the scene,
me running from that room,
I live on generous estates,
brave enough to dream,
try to keep from being fake,
there's things I'll never rue,
the songs that beat within me,
stuff as sweet as perfume,
what makes me really quake,
is the thought of need,
rescue me God my maker,
laugh at why I'm schooled,
best has come to be,
dance the love of fools,
only to be free.
Wednesday, 9 October 2024
Could you even care,
why i feel so rotten,
swollen beyond a dare,
have you read the news,
sod your open wallet,
i'm not in love with you,
your hand around me curls,
sniggers when I startle
your money's Tiger rare,
carry on with your blues,
under trees or car parts,
i'll bathe in the truth,
anchors keep me turned,
ships roll by forgotten,
you give nothing to learn,
go cold at your crude,
God is not for mocking,
think I'm stripping nude,
no flags have been unfurled,
you won't see me rocking,
not me you've twirled,
lost among the blossom.
Tuesday, 8 October 2024
She seeks explosive release,
what she cannot find,
nothing seems to please,
she won't hear good news,
love is just a chime,
a cover up for truth,
in a touch of blasphemy,
she doesn't do sublime,
less anyone miss a treat,
why disguise the truth,
or nourish other's mind,
she's never there for you,
just shakes her car keys,
winter in warm climes,
her path is no Odyssey,
yet filled with solid needs,
she doesn't have to mime,
will never stamp her feet,
makes her own rhymes.
Monday, 7 October 2024
Hate the way you look,
you tell lover's lies,
all the money you took,
it's a poor welcome sight,
sunshine on the lilac,
when you act so cool,
but no more hooks,
it's useless to try,
my knife's to your jug,
always say you're right,
C'mon don't deny,
how life gets spliced,
whatever way you choose,
I'll dance in the night,
you won't make me spook,
wave goodbye to good times,
catch me in midflight,
always ask for sunshine,
never reason why.
Sunday, 6 October 2024
Sweet talk makes you grin,
just say perhaps,
never just a candy Jane,
silken wraps you've thrown,
bridal days collapse,
face moulded like a stone,
plates occasionally spin,
nothing holds you fast,
makes you turn or crimp,
life is what you own,
if they think that crass,
consider them done,
you're not very slim,
now time has passed,
but who's the one lifting,
dancing on brown chairs,
singing songs that last,
your eys hardly there,
keep it steady or trim,
your love to the gas,
turn the flame an inch,
make it last.
Saturday, 5 October 2024
I dream of their class,
silken not torn,
listening to a voice rasp,
struggling to be born,
broken on heaps of bones,
i feel forlorn,
run into the traps,
like dancing on corns,
am a modern day iconoclast,
shuddering at what's bought,
thinking it crass,
a penny for your thoughts,
was it ever that crap
a paragon of good form,
that stashed me under burlap,
doesn't do to be overwrought,
just want to be gone,
fill life with good thoughts,
how to break this fast,
it's useless i'm blown,
ride the next mountain pass,
throw the next stone.
Friday, 4 October 2024
What it means to fly,
within a howling gale,
no use trying to lie,
in your callow bones,
don't need a trail,
to find yourself alone,
studying a time,
when all measures fail,
someone pass the wine ,
how can you be forlorn,
when love's there to hail,
shame the dice you throw,
flip a coin to the sky,
dream of finding sail,
why always search for why,
drink beer out of cones,
ditch desolate mail,
throw stones at ghosts,
nothing's worse than jail,
forsaken all the while,
now you're feeling great,
jump the lonely styles.
Thursday, 3 October 2024
Just taste the wine,
Dumbo you're late,
the lunch bell chimws,
someone sings the blues,
isn't that just great,
it's always on you,
never turns out right,
so far down the lane,
just give us a light,
what a bum tune,
coming home you say,
call that good news,
who makes out your crimes,
no light contsained,
lost in your plans,
we haven't got a dime,
bring us dough on trays,
let in the sunshine,
when you talk coastlines,
when you feel rain,
remember these good times,
remember who gains ?
Wednesday, 2 October 2024
On these long flights,
side by side for harmony,
we are cool and bright,
why take a train,
or sail by the lee,
jet's the only way,
so far out we're right,
who needs a reason,
dreams are heavy at night,
so much fun getting away,
make us ever so sweet,
no one see the stain,
it's surely our right,
to withstand scrutiny,
morning's without fright,
the horizon displays,
a diamond sun all seeing,
our hopes gainsayed,
below us the sea. .
Eyes try to fix a place,
where we just carry on,
and no one feels the pain,
who cares for my bones,
a river rises all alone,
beyond any time zone,
when I sees his face,
running lines of alcohol,
suddenly appear plain,
a time to stay in tune,
wolves howl at the moon,
they cry like broken news,
maybe i'll take a train,
like last winter's love,
once sparkled on the Bay,
who knows where's he's from,
a trapeze of broken runs,
why seek to atone,
mend what's halted lame,
as in some walking tomb,
can we ever really say,
reason why it's gone ?
Tuesday, 1 October 2024
Eyes try to fix a place,
where we just carry on,
and no one feels the pain,
who cares for my bones,
a river rises all alone,
beyond any time zone,
when I sees his face,
running ligne of alcohol,
suddenly appear plain,
a time to stay in tune,
wolves howl at the moon,
they cry like broken news,
maybe i'll take a train,
like last winter's love,
once sparkled on the Bay,
who knows where's he's from,
a trapeze of broken runs,
why seek to atone,
mend what's gone lame,
as in some walking tomb,
can we ever really say,
reason why he's gone ?
Monday, 30 September 2024
The turn of lovely days,
graze our great freedom,
a brimming river estuary,
streets and diners come awake,
a sense of scholastic ease,
sunlit time is breaking,
not really home we pray,
catch stupid yellow dreams,
conjure with our brains,
where does debt get paid,
beneath cool trees,
blue drinks served on trays,
Our lady shows the way,
beat your heart these seasons,
luck is what you crave,
departing's an awful strain,
bells ring out to sea,
another time to go away,
will we ever be released?
Sunday, 29 September 2024
Is it children you want,
just to see who you are,
lost in some hazy fog,
if that's what's cool,
you are the North star,
looking down from above,
born from the river salt,
I realise what's going on,
you need water and dogs,
don't get me fooled,
say your love's ajar,
beached somewhere new,
my dreams are pliant,
no interest in futile starts,
just say what your doing,
try dancing on stools,
tiny footprints mark,
in this game they're rules,
you happy so far ?
Saturday, 28 September 2024
Paintings are my scene,
museums have a lonely grace,
sometimes you hear screams,
stare at a catalogue tome,
quality that's not great,
face redder than a boat,
the world gives us steam,
not just a summer palace,
gas fired winter dreams,
how often do I drone.
hoping for you to relate,
the breadth of our zones,
you are like Monet,
before his great fame,
silent fountain sunlit lake,
unshaven waiters moan,
bring cognac to our table
wanting this cafe' to close,
sling my jewelled frame.
Friday, 27 September 2024
In a spartan cafe'
reclaimed from the sea
I watch the green eevening,
let the anchor bones,
carry him from me,
as far as Davy Jones,
tarry blonde all wispy day,
tide like a coming enemy,
another one walks away,
shadows make the zones,
where we sailed to be free,
play on echoing bones,
dawn brings falling rain,
pockets suddenly empty,
in mist the sad causeway,
I'll keep the dusty tomes,
love gone down the quays.
will ressurect my fortune
serve 'till eternity,
Thursday, 26 September 2024
Say nothing is any good,
suffer like your mother,
sat in some wretched club,
outside the Cafe' Du line,
it’s a perfect love,
sunny evenings just fine,
kids are the fatherhood,
overseen by their brothers,
is yours in trouble,
served by keeping time,
knowing what if you must,
anothe glass of wine,
you know how to scrub,
life between the covers,
do what you always should,
think you’re best at guile,
than others behind the shutters,
Ray Bans pushed a little higher,
will it bring you closer ?
Wednesday, 25 September 2024
In days of autumn's wire,
night rides black and cold,
stars fall down like ice,
no matter what we sing,
the wind is fierce and bold,
knows which bells to ring,
love is juxt desire,
if we're not at home,
blows flame across our fire,
our cries recall something,
lost on mobile ‘phones,
wanting substance anything,
absence asks what we renqire,
to say if we're alone,
what we need to aspire,
in this yellow evening,
our wanting to atone,
in any way stop feeling,
what's written on a board.
Tuesday, 24 September 2024
Here's a thing for you,
you who always come first,
with all your jiggery doo,
you’re not enough born,
to rage against my thirst,
when feelings get torn,
the sea is deep blue,
you've no time for mirth,
home is not a Bayou,
by book or by 'phone,
your trail is well versed,
to know how you're doing,
try again slice the moon,
pull away and swear,
your eyes like fish glue.
pass a drive in cafe',
where all debt's squared,
your stars are never true,
divine the easy air.
Monday, 23 September 2024
Smoking a cigarette,
an old friend's face appears,
laughing not lonely yet,
geese rise and sail,
ride the wind without fear,
i knew her from jail,
snow blanket around our heads,
she always brought cheer,
a calming voice steady step
open colours of her face,
anyone could go near,
she acted with even grace,
whenever there were threats,
her eyes shining clear,
she'd absorb any dread,
a woman who enjoyed fame,
blew flame across fear,
made a miracle of each day,
then disappeared.
Sunday, 22 September 2024
We stand by unlit lamps,
a tree, a bridge, shaking,
waiting here like tramps,
if there's kindness to share,
red lips white faced,
gi' us some pennies spare,
remember that posh sap,
wine shipped secret champagne,
who wanted us to unwrap,
his stories of dockside snares,
cargo ships and freighters,
dark rooms without care,
we can be happy she snaps,
watching the rain,
track down some warm path,
you won't hear me swear,
say straighten up our game,
ask how much we dare,
shuffle what remains.
Saturday, 21 September 2024
What if the stars are great,
my daughter slowly fades,
she won't see them anyway,
listens to the clock,
yellow wing's not much to say,
her phone's still blocked,
doesn't matter what she takes,
the walls eau de grey,
in her cell she hesitates,
her kids are still shocked,
confined within their days,
lonely as the lavender crop,
they see each creep of grace,
watch time roll away,
I’ve seen their faces,
laugh as my my dogs frolic
frown since she’s put away,
their heart are locked,
our visits never late.
Friday, 20 September 2024
2020 wasn't finished with me,
not after that screening,
my partner Sandra Gee,
the photographer of happiness,
has ashamed cancerous dreams,
now she's for a festival,
what should have been,
dazzling different by the sea,
has to fit my radiography,
howling at her requests,
raging in midstream,
I shout about my breasts,
poets don't die unseen,
swept away like leaves,
sometimes they have to heave,
she still continues to jest,
knowing how i feel,
silliness is her only quest,
to rip apart the seams.
Thursday, 19 September 2024
A sea passage marine blue,
my smiles won’t show,
what our ancestors refuse,
strangled by swaying steps,
I'll tempt you with my glow,
dancing waves my bequest,
not waiting for the curfew,
to take your arms and show,
the fertile lands of distance,
a knife my only threat,
a young woman free to bestow,
love to a shipmate's chest,
bellowing engine chewing,
horizon's a shipping furrow,
there's nothing left to view,
I feel blessed,
the engines warm my toes,
my mind is at rest,
in places without windows.
Wednesday, 18 September 2024
You'd gamble on anything,
your friends say,
including the Holy calendar,
i wonder kissing your lips,
watching cormorants in the Bay,
roll on waves like ships,
did you have other flings,
salt and perfume far away,
how they clean their wings,
this time belongs to kids,
would you feel that way,
when everything rescinded,
tunes drift by in rings,
smoke and whisky rise to slay,
a search for night's failingss,
going out as you came in,
what a scene it makes,
a safe harbour for lovers,
count numbers to your day.
Tuesday, 17 September 2024
What you would never do,
stuff you swore,
ride horses in fields of blue,
dance again to the moon,
pray to broken laws,
jump like a startled roan,
my present partner swoons,
why I'm saying this for,
only fools welcome ruin,
I want to run away stoned,
take holy orders,
drain summer into the foam,
rage at every heirloom,
divine night by party whores,
leave you here to stew,
a fool you led me home,
you'll pay a heavy score,
my almond eyes are tombs,
my love is raw.
Monday, 16 September 2024
Don't talk to me and pause,
pretend an interesting life,
we've heard it all before,
then your letter suddenly appears,
from someone she despises,
Kobe, Manilla, Tangiers,
even if she's your daughter,
sea ports and rivers don't lie,
she died when you walked,
a missive reminder to cheer,
forgot how she cried,
you sailed from every pier,
waved off laughter ta ra,
she writhed and tossed aside,
all the stuff you wrote,
the bottle no longer cheers,
sometimes we dance alive,
others what we fear,
she sings on every tide.
Sunday, 15 September 2024
Like a swathe of flowers,
your lace covered ribs ,
disguise a family ruin,
you glide between lovers,
when life doesn't fit,
it so rocks your mother,
extend the rain shower,
swing life by the jib,
smile at waiting Rovers,
do you brighten follow,
fuse with all your will,
any absence of tomorrow,
as a woman here and now,
why resist what gives,
dance the way you feel,
no need rage or bother,
find a way to live,
love's more than Sayanora,
when you turn and spin.
Saturday, 14 September 2024
Just say you love me,
go on face the dare,
the way she used to be,
look at me i seethe,
is it my cropped hair,
scared it makes you dream,
Fizz on glossy evenings,
would it make you care,
the nights i spent free,
with someone else's being,
certainty with her,
literate at thirty three,
your nostrils blow steam,
your eyes are flared,
don't you want to see,
what might have been,
why worry it's not fsir,
we are setting a scene,
Woman on red chair.
Friday, 13 September 2024
Will he clip me now,
make me drink more drink,
watch my face go brown,
sit and wonder why,
his face a beaten rink,
see me dance the tide,
all this Summer long,
we skated on the brink,
heat drips off my brow,
what he might try,
as he gathers and slinks,
slippery as a ship's side,
savours a line thrown down,
a petty display that stinks,
disputes all that I own,
constrained i sit close by,
know what he's thinking,
his eyes are eggs fried
I don't need a shrink.
Thursday, 12 September 2024
You whisper love,
on throubled 'phones,
your ravaged face a moon,
an arc of pearl light,
a lifetime learning to moan,
bring you those who cry,
luminous as night's glove,
beyond their credit zones,
learn the words to give,
the useless reasons why,
dry linen eau de cologne,
makes you want to fly,
you wear a frosted front,
like saints show their bones,
it massages your soul,
pray with all your might,
in gardens lie prone,
beyond police sirens,
your star is coming home.
Wednesday, 11 September 2024
Like to watch me dance,
you know about horses,
but won't take a chance,
all you do is moan,
show others around the course,
continue the useless flow,
you smoke and look askance,
always sell yourself short,
do you think I'll prance,
how you might gloat,
the life you made me court,
regard me as some ghost,
swigging whiskey from a flask,
your voice drunken hoarse,
you hold my hand and ask,
have I missed the boat,
no tricks in being taught.
your tongue turns to toast,
real anger at your loss.
Tuesday, 10 September 2024
Across my forearm lover,
a number you might consider,
it points to the others,
your face lost in wonder,
mine a perfect mirror,
God has bourne witness,
I feel myself crumble
hearing them whisper,
how the world suffers,
in this illicit sliver,
night winds sing forever,
beyond our daily jumble,
birds slake our days hunger,
reeling over what is done,
by fire and distant thunder,
one unwashed sign above us,
tells why we had to run,
we prisoners walk under,
some won't make sunset.
Monday, 9 September 2024
If i'm not too spaced,
i'll dance with you,
each evening until late,
swept up by your jib,
melted lemon blue,
your greased hair and whispers,
I walk down fallen lanes,
my Ma says stay true,
she doesn't know your ways,
your tone insistent,
our trips to secret venues,
a temperature consistent,
smellbound in a haze,
i'm lucky to have virtue,
nothing's laid to waste,
you turn towards my sister,
she's not my running mate,
don't kid yourself mister,
she can really hate.
Sunday, 8 September 2024
Please don’t let them see,
why you ring our feet,
we only ask for freedom,
our consoling love,
a village soul and shady tree,
lost to this crowded boat,
I sing to you of ease,
a bitter chant sung truly,
Dear God set us free,
in our heart what's good,
this swarm of human seed,
who sail with jangled blood,
don't tell us to believe,
the bounty of your feast
what is broken can't retrieve,
the hearts made of wood.
across this moonlit sea,
a craft so sorely troubled,
it melds us to history.
Saturday, 7 September 2024
She prays a dawn novena,
and worries about her feet,
wondering who will see her,
if love's a trick to hold,
not knowing her own to keep,
she's ready to go cold,
every tune sounds sweeter,
hazy bars fuel her conceit,
a woodyards blonde singer,
won't do what she's told,
more than any feeling,
dancing swells her toes,
men rise up to greet her,
when evening turns green,
her only prayer is please,
perhaps a communion bolt,
mask s a careful retreat,
she'll rescue any joke,
that simulates her dream.
Friday, 6 September 2024
Before you called to me,
carried me to the Bite,
i knew how to be free,
ships famed on their own,
whispered sails at night,
you were my living bones,
who gave you that legacy,
love you thought was right,
fire you released,
a sunlit beach at Thebes,
a power beyond my sight,
you left me solitary,
three days i wept windblown,
whole cities heard me cry,
knowing my song unsown,
nailed by your island creed,
you don't spare delight,
like a broken scream,
fury is in my smile.
Thursday, 5 September 2024
Don't leave big schemes,
with nursing assistants,
regret for lost dreams,
go beyond blond curls,
travel past middle distance,
you were never that girl,
be a sailing boat wheeler,
a golden age sister,
laugh at what comes after,
raise a canvas flap burl,
spread your resistance,
sing like Elma Turl,
unlistened to screamers,
won't hear of injustice,
show them your feelings,
how different a whirl,
not reduced by the hospice,
your love spreads the world,
no one does it for us .
Wednesday, 4 September 2024
She's happy let her go,
the woman used to love you,
now she's on her own,
you didn't treat her right,
she sings of past humours,
now she has another wife,
has vacated this zone,
how she blew the candles,
what used to be home,
do you understand why,
she dances perfumed,
a mirror to your lies,
where lemons melt her bones,
a sea of forgotten curlicues,
burned her ribbons gone,
forged by your rotten sighs,
her lights all fused,
the tail end rainbow high,
will you make room ?
Tuesday, 3 September 2024
Her day is just beginning,
she dances in the tide,
freshly alive and spinning,
she kills me with that twist,
next to me like a bride,
knows I'll always give in,
around a constant trilling,
tobacco blonde full of lies,
her lips shine like shillings,
just as the sea she risks,
a smile to beam estuary wide,
welcomes each day by ship,
she blows a happy grin,
has never left a family’s side,
but needs to escape the din,
here with me she kicks,
a Medea used to thrilling,
who knows the reason why ?
Monday, 2 September 2024
More than any laughter,
blood seeps around her knees.
it's like broken water,
but life isn't hell,
its toll is at her feet,
a used cartridge shell,
elated or in despair,
she can cry if she pleases,
or wonder who cares,
she stands by the river,
swears she'll never release,
names he called daughters',
in matters of distance,
knows what she's leaving,
why beg forgiveness,
a dank set of stairs,
times that brought sympathy,
a rope just for her,
yellow nights of weeping.
Sunday, 1 September 2024
Brother what was that time,
when I prayed on trains.
sweated for your child,
did you watch me plumb,
a drain pipe in the rain,
to fashion us a home,
poets from another clime,
say God is not to blame,
for these tears and brine,
who says find the zone
where life remains the same,
why need to use your 'fone,
anchors bind my hands,
ships ply ancient lanes,
nothing seems to rhyme,
you laugh in dogged tones,
cannot bear to chase,
a love that'doesn't chime,
I am not your slave.
Saturday, 31 August 2024
Truth is never easy,
especially on this campaign,
breath fresh with Listerine,
frightened by my lips,
this is no child’s game,
what I might let slip,
why do I bring treats,
chasing my salad days,
for a man in retreat,
what cannot be shipped,
is life outside of gain,
a sheath of cotton ripped,
fashioned into creases,
golden ring ablaze,
cannot mask a heart cheat,
will your bedrock bleed,
disown outrageous claims,
sail by stars to sea,
cancel your name ?
Friday, 30 August 2024
Do we know how to give,
live a lifetime of greed,
in order to love,
is there some clue,
like it’s in our creed,
this gift for bad news,
what about your lover,
with all her surly needs,
a yellow light wonders,
does her face bear the blues,
witness crass ease,
sling back high heeled shoes,
would you leave her in sin,
join death's black weeds,
continue spinning fibs,
know what to exclude,
say too much to agree,
stones,flowers,pieces of wood,
conjure your freedom ?
My parents say i'm torn,
oh they used to create,
you don't know you're born,
single women with children,
state you'll be okay,
just don't give in,
Our Lady knows my form,
no matter what games they play,
such an ill hearted home,
my Pa was unfaithful,
lost within his ways,
now he is mainly ill,
I only asked for warmth,
without any praise,
it's my child's communion,
don't wish to be unforgiving,
but i no longer sway,
before their sad mission,
shuttered by obeying
Thursday, 29 August 2024
My parents say i'm torn,
oh they used to create,
you wouldn't know how forlorn,
women with single children,
state you'll be okay,
just don't give in,
Our Lady knows my form,
no matter what games they play,
such an ill hearted home,
my Pa was unfaithful,
lost within his ways,
now he is mainly ill,
I only asked for warmth,
without any praise,
it's my child's communion,
don't wish to be unforgiving,
but i no longer sway,
before their sad mission,
straitened by obeying.
Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Don't bring me stolen jewels,
make me laugh through tears,
dance with simple fools,
under cold white stars,
water runs ligthtning clear,
you can’t stand my sparks,
my dreams add further fuel,
to others you draw near,
pass me money for sooth,
smile like a ighthouse arc,
remember the ached for years,
when you were my spar.
turn your head you fool,
let me want to hear,
times you lit my fuse,
how I miss those starts,
stronger than your fears,
we didn't get very far,
I miss those tears.
Tuesday, 27 August 2024
Those highland wastes,
lets you know,
what her people call grace,
the heather's sourball blue,
late summer's smiles on show,
all dancing hills in tune,
garroted by her steady taste,
she kids me with her jokes,
but never acts in haste,
a knife stirs in the stew,
young women free to bestow,
favours of a lowland harmony,
the car engine scrapes,
you pass by August silos ,
she doesn't plan escapes,
from these lands of good news,
she’ll only warm her toes,
stifle yawns at early noon,
talks of places to go.
Monday, 26 August 2024
She is sinking slowly,
leaving just a little glow,
eats and drinks unhappily,
it takes energy to flow,
she is such a generous soul,
I feel stripped to bone,
in New York there's harmony,
don't do chit chat anymore,
our love has gone frankly,
it used to be all agogo,
honey palaces for our home,
a different wind now blows,
I hate this yellow uncertainty,
sunlit train tracks groan,
nowhere is like my journey,
men who see us roam,
try to circle our thrones,
paint our faces for show.
I'm not one to moan,
Sunday, 25 August 2024
Wind hushed ruins ,
salt splashed stones,
water safe to bathe in,
besides the night,
a simple smile of love,
holds my breath tight,
under fear of wind,
orange trees sing,
sooth a city's muffled din,
birds sail like warmed kites,
above the foam,
no one else in sight,
my partner says just grin,
crowded cafe's safer zones,
rain comes down spinning,
snuffle hrough daily fights,
more than naked bones,
how clean this morning light,
our imaginary home.
Saturday, 24 August 2024
I ask God for rest,
summer within a lover's storm,
don't i feel blessed,
swinging dangerously,
with her raging metaphors,
the trouble start with me,
howling with tremendous zest,
her insults grow enormous,
I shudder at my breakfast,
she’s a lightning seed,
gives a thunderous performance,
audience at her own epiphany,
just before this Dejeuner fest,
music roars from her Beatbox,
her roars brook no digress,
I struggle to break free,
act like I'm not born
pour more black coffee,
like a Brechtian palimpest,
she hurtles to the door,
I pray he please arrest,
this unholy semaphore ?
Friday, 23 August 2024
Here's a thought for you,
do you note what comes first,
eaxh image in your view,
wish you'd never torn,
tongues from those who thirst,
beaten bodies broken forms,
your sugary tea like glue,
leaves little time for mirth,
to regard such terrored truth,
was it by the score,
you spouted lies well versed,
all of them wrung raw,
wonder if I let hate accrue
to place you in a hearse,
I'll leave history to choose,
I won't get lost forlorn,
neither run cursed,
not me without compass,
when monsters converse,
Thursday, 22 August 2024
You wait on my duress,
take me as your creed,
say i am the best,
children left gone home,
cabin is all you need,
only crave the crown,
sobbing with your success,
power your basic greed,
across a wooden buttress,
my dreams echo in song,
wine dark in far seas,
an ocean's command,
we drink to excess,
all is lose to history.
pride has no redress,
bewitched by cortizone,
come lie at my feet,
spurned at the cock crow,
you won't see evening,
Wednesday, 21 August 2024
The love you gave away,
dissolved or flayed,
keeps hurt at bay,
lifts troubles to forgiveness,
don't let them reign,
skip Calendars or Catechism,
step free of certain games,
that cap your flame,
maintain hope to keep sane,
as for difficult questions,
wise not to tell tales,
hold your own inquests,
drunk as a weathervane,
spins over the plain,
you're part of this age
steam makes espresso's hiss,
sawdust cafe's swell with rain,
solace you no longer miss,
a City whispers your name.
Tuesday, 20 August 2024
Around a futile exercise yard,
try to guard your fears,
no need to spin them far,
light a path to heaven,
sail within the atmosphere,
inside this smoky hazy pen,
sew clothes for lonely spars,
know what's good for tears,
how to play your part,
it brings a strsnge presence,
to find everything that's here,
keep Junk at a distance,
fold a blanket beneath the stars,
pictures become suddenly clear,
dream of railway boxcars,
no need for quilted linen,
sunlight shifts on the pier,
liberty is there for asking,
your time is coming near.
Monday, 19 August 2024
Here's the question,
why on a secret phone,
behind a crushed request,
you endure whispers,
in hushed father's tone,
a tight but sore trespass,
the reason you’re like this,
flushed within your core,
to escape some hit list,
lemon bright with excuses,
say you've been honed,
to blow away insouciance,
your voice calls afresh,
no one wants to know,
a lonely time of penance,
you are careful of inquests,
face as blue as bone,
illicit daughter's cigarettes,
you smoke on your own.
Sunday, 18 August 2024
There's no such release,
alone by the beach,
wondering who adores me,
wondering what to say
or searching how to be,
nothing here but trade,
I need to break free,
escape all these creeps,
forget my swollen feet,
where are the players,
eager to leave,
with me as their game,
ignore my rude testimony,
rejected offers please,
afford me some pity,
memories are La plage,
imaginings of the sea,
lemon blue by stages,
watch my epiphany.
Saturday, 17 August 2024
You remember that tune,
Da take your time,
I'll hum it for you,
eyes that now haunt love,
forget all onerous lies,
draw water from a jug,
bleats his case for truth,
mysteries of his line,
they only live to rule,
rain ticks into a tub,
he shudders with the wine,
listens to the wind above,
bills tossed down avenues,
give early shipwreck signs,
ongoing family feuds,
tissues and body scrubs,
mark his decline,
makes him scared to blub,
he looks so frightened.
Friday, 16 August 2024
Restrained in my moans,
small wonder in this place,
heart beats against stone,
bus ticket's a burning fuse,
blown in by the rain,
he listens to my news,
laughs at all my groans,
the useless games,
needed to fend alone,
the foray of his truth,
shadows yesterday's blame,
clutches bars of chocolate chews,
a sea whipped home,
a tornado for my rage,
incarcerated lips intone,
bites at my leather glove,
the ribbons of a day,
swears his unfying love,
says he's praying again.
Thursday, 15 August 2024
Don't leave it to someone else,
at this house of spirits,
resisting lies and debts,
have me crying alone,
pushed to my limits,
cursing your rottren bones,
sweet as a canvas flesh,
body chilled like a relic,
I'm loved by my friends,
hell's a cab ride home,
shake when thirst is lifted,
this is the last loan,
my concern at every instant,
escape his fate by shifting,
decisions to a river torrent,
rejoice in resurrection,
praise his life this minute,
your reprieve is unexpected,
raise that golden ticket.
Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Why tear me apart,
i'm the fool you say,
but you're not so smart,
say you'll fly my web,
ruin my fresh lace,
flee off the back step,
you look at the stars,
ask wouldn't it be great,
to have a wonder car,
my sanctity spent,
I'm poised but wait,
will play with his head,
times distance gone,
psychiatrists await,
swear my emotion is done,
i'll sell my bed,
powder my wrinkled face,
hide you in the shed,
I smile,hesitate.
Tuesday, 13 August 2024
Will you please extend,
the hand of grace,
rather than pretend,
ways of learning to give,
by careful trades,
instead make a timeshift,
blow life into friends,
where fire makes gains,
forge different trends.
act in ways to live,
keep a neighbourly mein,
it's all within our gift,
many flames shall send,
sparks to greater days,
we are more than defence,
sheltered by such lifts,
you can buck the trend,
let loose our grip,
love beats the ends.
Monday, 12 August 2024
With your cheery wave ta ra,
don't make me shiver,
nail me to this bar,
a lonely beach in my head,
your stories all delivered,
bottles, tar, tidal wood,
when you leave it's rotten,
your love of ports and rivers,
hail your tattered spar,
puckered string of letters,
follow voyages quivered,
leave a reminder unsaid,
forget me when i'm sodden,
all your tales remembered,
dreams you trod upon,
will you recall my dread,
say love is your ember,
Santa Fe, Kobe, coffins of lead,
somewhere you'll go under.
Sunday, 11 August 2024
Do you walk unknown,
beneath cool evening trees,
as if no one ever knows,
remembering those photos,
of all your family,
gone away now wind blown,
from dusty fields unsown,
dancing in the breeze,
shadows from places cold,
down our street and town,
that one's of your niece,
Mother wears a black shawl,
looked after time shorn,
Sunday suits pressed clean,
houses paid money down,
faces at the camera reposed,
a gathering at ease,
their truth in best clothes,
all that history.
Saturday, 10 August 2024
Ok Beastie watch me dance,
do you know about lovers,
when you think of finance,
will you have peace,
with your great troubles,
cracked features unease,
your broad brimmed hat,
sits next to the covers,
alongside dark glasses,
you slice barbecue meat,
with an untidy bother,
hurl charred insults at me,
don't care about that,
waiters run for shelter,
used to seeing you mad,
prance my little Chief,
sweat I'll make you suffer,
carry your great history,
let you love your mother.
Friday, 9 August 2024
Your mother said,
a drop of blood,
does not bring death,
for sun, moon, the earth,
will only bring truth,
closer to your birth,
neither in your stealth,
nor for your good,
can it mark the end,
all the ones who've blessed,
persuaded you to soothe,
put them together first,
if that makes sense,
yellow sands and tidal floods,
lets you love the best,
your house forever bursts,
patched and creaked by wood,
it slakes all your thirsts,
before the falling dusk.
Your mother said,
a drop of blood,
does not bring death,
for sun, moon, the earth,
will only bring you truth,
closer to your birth,
neither in your stealth,
nor for your good,
can it mark the end,
all the ones who've blessed,
persuaded you to soothe,
put them together first,
if that makes sense,
yellow sands and tidal floods,
make you love the best,
your house forever bursts,
patched and creaked by wood,
it slakes all your thirsts,
before the falling dusk.
Thursday, 8 August 2024
Alone at the bus station,
you ask for a smoke,
like an injured patient,
in a green coat alone,
someone who goes for broke,
the prodigal girl forlorn,
who sweeps aside elation,
like convicts fix roads,
in a desire for medication,
wooden benches lie spoken,
its the way you joke,
drinking with sad blokes,
no red letters of fragrance,
lost in a lipstick brawl,
when bottles are partaken,
dark glasses won't atone,
neither will telephones home,
your heart's not of stone,
tossed pennies fall.
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
He laughs like one of us,
desert doesn't frighten you,
his clothes hang in ruins,
we go to meet the ones,
my partner faintly rues,
historians who've nearly gone,
the almond trees bloom,
on a bright lit afternoon,
against a sea that's blue,
nothing here is wrong,
just the yellow truth,
poetry of poverty's song,
he looks like someone new,
his old bones of truth,
shine as the oasis soothes,
he asks to hold my hand,
his presence overpowers,
the fragrance off the sand,
makes me almost swoon.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
She pins a shamrock on us,
if literature's our freedom,
we'd fill a Terminus,
like a mistress school bound,
would puff out her cheeks,
listened to lives ill found,
on Atlantic Avenue,
where the wind freezes,
she made us feel useful,
Brooklyn’s steamy trams,
her retirement at St Stephen's,
jellies, country bands,
she died counting the Angelus,
listening to Blues singers,
joy her last impetus,
we stand on cold ground,
Fulton swells our cheeks, ah Jesus,
our dollars homeward bound,
the bridge a moving season.
Monday, 5 August 2024
Your wind blown kisses,
reach a maritime shingle,
circle around the Ithmus,
crossing the Atlantic,
they dance and tingle,
turn blue waves frantic,
to escape from crisis,
where crowds might mingle,
sea birds wing sunlight,
you skip in your antics,
lips pursed and jingled,
sea roses shine static,
bourne of resistance,
a resplendent canticle,
pray safety his ship,
it's worth being stoic,
not remaining single,
in shipping lane traffic,
wearing his ring.
Sunday, 4 August 2024
She wakes in golden belief,
like yellow on a Holsum van,
wonders about a novena,
each dance is a clone,
moves her as no one can,
every tune shakes her bones,
in sourball colour seasons,
the bars are full of men,
she drinks within reason,
they rise to enfold her,
she graces it with elan,
green evenings grow colder,
barefoot pays minimum heating,
its better than having plans,
her cabin makes it easier,
if communion weighs a ton,
between rich and poor man,
justice is always done,
breaks whatever mould.
Saturday, 3 August 2024
My weekend sings,
des cigarettes une espresso,
don't care no one rings,
the silent have their views,
dejeuner avec Lavazzo ,
have no time to brood,
not for me the sea,
Martini, Amaretto,
my balcony swept free,
spare me consumptive news,
a lunchtime Prosecco,
vitiates my beach room,
let them all scream,
pasta, wine al viejo,
I'm my best Sunday dream,
think of a serene cruise,
an evening's stroll,
along my private avenue,
Sabbath's best alone.
Friday, 2 August 2024
Is my time gone unspoken,
not drunk enough to cry,
afraid this family's broken,
our place shuttered and boarded,
beyond tomorrow's why,
love around here is frozen,
bridges where we stand soaking,
beyond any heaven’s sigh,
can't mend with arms folded,
fresh horizons flit encoded,
guitar strings at night,
play a tune to show them,
feels like we've been sold,
being brave's only to try,
beat away this summer’s cold,
to rescue us or coax,
say a prayer to the sky,
not just some little token,
more a sense of pride.
Thursday, 1 August 2024
Those little bits of you,
ignore schemes that fry,
they need more than hooks,
don't settle for bones,
roll, dance, find someone wise,
why stay at home,
discard philosophers who soothe,
only the edge is fine,
find your own truth,
read all the holy tomes,
there's always a reason why,
you'll know how to roam,
overlook your place of ruin,
seize the time 'as mine,'
wear shorts and shiny boots,
fling away the stones,
try to inspire,
always pay what's owed,
you don't mind fire.
Wednesday, 31 July 2024
You must remember this,
take your time,
do you want me hum it,
the face that haunts you,
forgives generous lies,
like a fire burns true,
will give you a clip,
find mysteries of your line,
hear when the rain ticks,
listen to the wind croon,
shudder with the wine,
walk your next avenue,
an ongoing family rift,
furls early shipwreck signs,
golden dawns taunt you,
mark well your intuits,
rubbishes all designs,
his spirit might kiss you,
don't be frightened.
Tuesday, 30 July 2024
Does your husband's curfew,
make you to suffer still,
light holy candles,
give money to every fool,
keep from falling ill,
throw salt at the blues,
douse yourself with perfume,
his voice becomes shrill,
call in collective dues,
see your flowers bloom,
sing about spring's chill,
someone else's wounds,
friends say see you soon,
take a laughter pill,
if they only knew,
there's no easy refuge,
keep your love of thrills,
hold freedom's bitter tune,
let him ride the hill.
Monday, 29 July 2024
Sometimes i feel squeezed,
with the smiles he makes,
his manner sleepy easy,
swamp lights guide his way,
Aretha is playing,
by the old Levee,
when he broke free,
New Orleans was shaking,
my hair is washed sea green,
evening plashes the glades,
knows what he's saying,
in a magnolia cotton shade,
his long gait and knees,
pulls at my traces,
he issues a whispered plea,
eyes big as lakes
we listen to the rain,
drum on a roof that creeks,
its him again.
Sunday, 28 July 2024
What brings me to this night,
lets me play so near,
opens the locks on life,
when you can easily moan,
dance before the deer,
forget kids left alone,
regular as the Five and Dime,
a Sourball calms my fears,
brings me summer's birthright,
see the creep of gloam,
stars shine bright and clear,
before any whispers of home,
the warm evening light,
a brown wooden pier,
perfect when debt's put right,
find my inner road,
could live or die right here,
offer to share my soul,
settle my mind to hear.
Saturday, 27 July 2024
If they ask for a name,
to show your dull life,
you'd think me tame,
your consoling force,
a greater glue than mine,
doesn't show the door,
I dance my evasions,
whispering to the night,
between you and shame,
our house is wooden shored,
brings me to the line,
creaks a sound forlorn,
a dance of burning flame,
matches me with strife,
teaches me of blame,
the illusions i hoard,
stilled now with wine,
nails me to the floor,
saddled now this time.
Friday, 26 July 2024
Why does time resonate,
a web in blue trees,
threads across my face,
was it some cold dawn,
where you sang so clean,
the year Lady born,
couldn't get past your gaze,
shrunk back on my heels,
to hear that voice again,
you didn't falter,
down desolate streets,
to worry about the fall,
your Ma in broken rage,
dug that post war scene,
butterflies came late,
but what you spawned,
let us all break free,
still leaves me fallen,
at your feet.
Thursday, 25 July 2024
Where do we hope to be,
our bodies twist and groan,
dancing's never easy,
silk worms in cemetery's glow,
resist any combing,
furious as a curate's throw,
then you my lover seize,
this time to make scones,
our house behind the sea,
we swore we'd never moan,
on Sundays to live alone,
sunlight shifts the room,
how beautiful and so lovely,
your neck smooth as stone,
when my torso pulls free,
will you help me grow,
your face by the water,
somewhere far from home,
tell me all you know ?
Men in suits of death,
ask if we can cope,
if they could only help,
assist our search for dough,
throw away the rope,
measure lengths we'd go,
what dreams we have left,
do they think us dopes,
sat on the bar like derelicts,
are we only bones,
high rollers in New York,
as we walk the floor,
dance tickets bear our wealth,
the bleeding worm of hope,
deep within our breasts,
love our sense of glow,
how long before we show,
in trains on stations formed,
the look of gravestones.
Monday, 15 July 2024
Going away for a few days - poems will appear again on the 25th July dv.
Thanks to you all for reading them.
I am silent as the breeze,
we are leaving from Glasgow,
eat pasta think about ringing,
but i haven't got the bite,
she is such a dismal cow,
this old friend of mine,
my new Italian lover you see,
American Bars is what we know,
a bit different from Barlinnie,
where she spent time quietly,
riding the insane show,
now she goes to Disney,
doesn’t really do serenity,
thinks she'll carry on somehow,
brightly shining at some party,
heading south the train sleeps,
like going around and round,
i paint my face with ease,
suits me to feel alone.
Sunday, 14 July 2024
I want to be set free,
says my lover on high,
a sense of blue conceit,
between her hands and shore,
she aurveys the sky,
her cigarettes by the door,
on a funnel gazing spree,
any horizon seems bright,
thinks she's a celebrity,
her power is always more,
kind but sheds no light,
she names it mystery rope,
it stands no scrutiny,
always shows she's right,
a short step to eternity,
but what's underscored,
is a racing certainty,
harmony stands restored,
when fires burn willingly.
Saturday, 13 July 2024
Did you ruin her marriage,
you'd gamble anything,
to steer clear that passage,
your daughter's aims,
all her could have been's,
debase your claims,
was it any less savage,
with others who scream,
called you to the barrage,
ragged clouds of rain,
like a calendar deems,
roll darkly off the plain,
a smell of storm presages,
dust across your schemes,
your crazy damage,
howling for terrain,
chasing without cease,
numbers you miscalculate,
who needs your dreams ?
Friday, 12 July 2024
I ask for a name,
to shame your dull life,
don't think me insane,
your consoling groans,
taste sweeter than wine,
pity's not in my home,
where do such lies lay,
you dance in time,
whispering your evasions,
silent in your bones,
between you and the night,
guards shout all aboard,
this roaring train,
brings us to the fire,
makes me spit like rain,
I'll make you atone,
without troubling Aquinas,
teach you how to love ,
dwell in burning flames,
praise our holy bond,
let illusions crave,
bound by wire.
Thursday, 11 July 2024
Should you know better,
wonder still if gripped,
you read his letters,
wiser than the phone,
sense in your finger tips,
you wear a little gown,
Aretha at your request,
moves roll off your hips,
drinking San Miguel best,
forget enduring heroes,
awaiting ships,
the sun is going down,
feels like your butress,
but you laugh and skip,
plenty of time to rest,
dance a bar lovers tune,
enhance all you've hid,
the Fleet is back again,
act like a little kid.
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
Race through a field of corn,
my lover asks,
dance you were never born,
an altar to pray upon,
how can you live like that,
heart beats without sound,
I want to call form,
roar like a big cat,
am not a fool forlorn,
flee a love that's sad,
no kids on the latch,
my loving isn't bad,
spirits perform ancient charms,
forget our little chats,
gallop to a perfect sun,
run before a following storm,
its not an easy task,
to ride freight trains home,
adjust my Ray Bans.
Tuesday, 9 July 2024
A needle truth is never easy,
it sparkles where lies end,
to always gild the lily,
is there ever a time,
that forever tends,
to claim we're all fine,
bites the hand that deserts us,
cadges off our friends,
when they confer illusion,
light shines our Valentines,
hot brown days send,
tidal boats to the skyline,
absence is a lost release,
even as we set,
fire to every belief,
we don't mind
betraying hopes pretend,
if they ask us why,
say it's in the sand.
Monday, 8 July 2024
Waiting for the train,
a cloudy day a breeze,
there's a tidal spray,
you never really own,
what's gone to seed,
in these solid Ocean towns.
long journeys nerves frayed,
its gone half past three,
he won't wave goodbye again,
am cool but turn ,
when he closes the gate,
still feel my stomach churn,
me who'll take the blame,
through windows in the rain,
looking out over the Bay,
me who shouts too firm,
he'll always make me pay,
let him go and burn,
love in stupid ways.
Sunday, 7 July 2024
She measures a distance beaten,
by public telephones,
across fields of blue wheat,
she won't bathe in wine ,
isolated but not alone,
lives by a water chime,
a granny rolls up sleeves,
like the book she holds,
her rifle next to the sheets,
what better cure is a cry,
to surrender perfume soaked,
a lover from old times,
her drink is whisky neat,
ravaged lipstick Eau De Cologne,
she whispers her feelings,
secrets like lemons and lime,
flow from her garden wall,
she doesn't care for time,
carrying this load.
Saturday, 6 July 2024
Eyes beat like fireflies,
who is the fool,
dancing on the bread line,
they ask me to play,
this Sunday in June,
face Up to past games,
sunlight on the lilac,
turns purple and cool,
little faith in signs,
crazy side of the Bay,
they want me to muse,
how they've been betrayed,
our family's demise,
the money tooled,
burned thru their lives,
don't ask me to say,
every meeting's a duel,
am not cut out that way,
know whats been done.
Friday, 5 July 2024
When you talk coastlines,
when you feel safe,
remember this time,
pay off the loans,
coming back you say,
we'll have no more scorn,
who needs to downsize,
everything here's fine,
push into the light,
hope for better form,
sharp as a needle in sunshine,
happy for being born,
don't talk about crime,
a bridge across the plain,
we'll forge own designs,
try to perform,
where kids are not pains,
drinking wine from bowls,
this is no game.
Thursday, 4 July 2024
Forget ferocious ease,
for any justice sought,
love sets off the genie,
flings explosive contours,
what cannot be bought,
captured between its zones,
she shakes her car keys,
November's for New York,
it's certainly no Odyssey,
filled with caring thoughts,
her worried family notes,
how she keeps the score,
nothing better seized,
than the whiff of blasphemy,
gilded behind retreat,
more than any human cause,
what betrays her dreams,
stifles on the carrefour,
is demands for more.
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Can you see that locket,
what flag have you unfurled,
you feel inside my pockets,
is it me whose tame,
turns cold upon your stare,
all is not the same,
when a kiss blows softer,
loneliness does not share,
a fuse without a socket,
take your callow game,
anchors hold me square,
ships roll down their lanes,
sit by trees eat Whatsits,
clothes we'll never wear,
surprise often comes upon us,
amidst the evening flame,
the river risen here,
I'll always call your name,
love beyond repair.
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Do we stoke and burn,
flames as blue as gas,
shall we turn them down,
you worship all the earth ,
now time has passed,
but remain unconcerned,
holidays you jumped and cared,
never let a joy collapse,
there was always prayer,
on smokey brown chairs,
with songs strong as brass,
you'd consider money earned,
leaves you eager to learn,
small talk makes you laugh,
you were never really spare,
all I did was have affairs,
all you did was fast,
raised me to the air,
told me to get lost.
Monday, 1 July 2024
She kills me with her being,
on stretched out sunny days,
dances like a fallen queen,
talks of leaving home,
an artist bright and unfazed,
needs to expand her shores,
has never left her street,
tho' she's traveled many ways,
resides with me upbeat,
it leaves you to suppose,
we're more than passing trains,
when love like this gets close,
part of me is reeling,
sprinkling like flower sprays,
visions on St Anthony's quay,
now an empty cellulose,
morning cafe' warmth and cakes,
kisses at the dawn boat,
time across my face.
Sunday, 30 June 2024
Can I beat this scene,
looking cool on vodka,
as if it will protect me,
not so far done down,
lipstick slashed for work,
my eyes face their own,
this place like a dream,
a red and yellow cellar,
he asks where I've been,
my greatest days are home,
he loosens first my collar,
sits by my side alone,
says am gifted from the sea,
wants to bring me Bollinger,
awaits the next epiphany,
doesn't hold with form/,
has neither sou nor dollar,
just another bum,
I tell him don't bother
Saturday, 29 June 2024
Sometimes i feel squeezed,
within the smiles he makes,
his manner sleepy easy,
love lights mark his bones,
who is he to shake,
me from my loving home,
when he was thirty three,
New Orleans forsaken,
he looked to the sea,
the moon his barometer,
knows what he's taking,
decided just to go,
by a lilac magnolia tree,
he stretches a long gait,
pulls at my feelings,
whispers a loving groan,
I wish it weren't fake,
listening to the stones,
the sky opaque.
I was crying believe me,
leaving from San Remo,
waving by bye singly,
I haven't got the blues,
he is such a giving soul,
this habitue' of toodle doos,
my Italian friend weeps,
says there goes your pension,
who am I to lose sleep,
there is nothing to rue,
I can live on song,
just a little fortune,
maybe he feels guilty,
buys me a lover's home,
sleeps now more easily,
pay the new woman's dues,
just a minute though,
why do I resent this news,
better to betray our dreams,
or wake alone,
staring at an empty country,
he has more to atone.
Thursday, 27 June 2024
What separates from our best,
does a sail make us shrill,
our flight to change address,
a raging thirst for home,
maps, some salt,let us thrill,
forget we leave our bones,
don't mock at our requests,
on nights battered or still,
we scan our weathered compass,
locate to inventive zones,
where we'll eat our fill,
hope to escape our shadows,
put our days at sea to rest,
face each wave or rill,
struggle each duress,
send us back if cosmatose,
devoured by men or kids,
flame or water to confess,
God retains our will.
Wednesday, 26 June 2024
How do we measure luck,
do you gaze at the sea,
wonder if its ever enough,
lovers talk of winding roads,
what it means to be,
heaving a trail ofstones,
its no use acting tough,
better at my age to see,
the waste in sleeping rough,
drink wine by broken 'phones,
rivers wash our feet,
sun dries our clothes,
flip a coin for shucks,
baby's due she tells me
nothing beats a mother's love,
let me visit daughter's home
no more ruxh nor hurry,
husband bans all my calls,
desolation street.
Tuesday, 25 June 2024
When I was losing cred,
you told me to be strong,
I won't see you again,
you sent me poems,
dancing lines of song,
who else does rise alone,
freedom's sense of dread,
whispers other wrongs,
sit for days in bed,
having someone to know,
greater than bells rung,
laughing lovers in tow,
can't pray for the rest,
drawing fire with tongs,
my manner's not the best,
not likely to suppose,
why our paths have crossed,
make my lipstick glow,
grant me this loss.
Monday, 24 June 2024
I'm sat here aghast,
shuddering at what's bought,
thinking this cannot last,
my partner asks,
a penny for your thoughts,
how to broach this task,
love to see him dance,
jigging about on thorns,
a modern day iconoclast,
Oh it's useless this cast,
i'd rather be caught,
on the next downward path,
other lovers spring the trap,
me struggling to be born,
sweating with each fast,
I dream of a better class,
silken not torn,
he'll come around again,
broken unsought.
Sunday, 23 June 2024
Oh to be free,
says my lover on high,
between you and the sea,
no fire or blue ozone,
tweaks sun's early rise,
can hamper his tone,
his cigarette sweeps,
like a bird on the line,
all that lays before me,
he thinks we're as one,
the cabin's early light,
is kind but cold,
such hopes of eternity,
are not very wise,
garnerin hopes of epiphany,
can't you be done,
I want to cry,
dawn flights are so long,
leave traces of night.
Saturday, 22 June 2024
We stand with her ashes,
laid bare at the ferry,
a rain cut sky in slashes,
she adds a final note,
banishes worries we carry,
said life is but a joke,
thanks God for her cash,
what's not to find lovely,
bequeathed golden tracks,
more than any other bloke,
walking in glum reverie,
laughed the way we spoke,
In all manner of fashion,
love has its own tributaries,
contained in tweed jackets,
Orange kids wait and smoke,
proud at the dawn jetty,
cheeks pale as they blow,
her elegant epiphany.
Friday, 21 June 2024
How you contemplate gain,
acting like some seer,
blowing like a hurricane,
so far gone,
asking rivers to part here,
honour your holy bones,
tell animals leave the plain,
kneel weeping at our fear,
you are just a fake,
last winter on tidal stones,
everyone sat close to tears,
waiting for visions to show,
souls don't work that way,
a trapeze of fallen years,
eyes try to fnd a space,
we won't hesitate,
denounce your passage near,
all the madness you create,
suddenly is clear.
Thursday, 20 June 2024
It's a sin to wish you gone,
only children dance,
in years so far from home,
Callas warms the terrace bar,
Campari, Raybans, chance,
each admire your shining car,
ask for grace beyond our bones,
ship you back to France,
regrets yet barely done,
my senses ache from afar,
sellophane shimmers in your distance,
cannot name your star,
leave messages on your phone,
you with electric prance,
evening tints your clothes,
what makes you call again,
feel awkward at your glance,
burning ahes light a flame,
fury in my balance.
Wednesday, 19 June 2024
I wake to a lemon light,
it's hard to be alone,
my lover lies supine,
everything now is all right,
sun rises through the dawn,
sometimes people cry,
poets make verses by night,
write in shabby clothes,
take tea or whiskey by fire,
my heroes look to Constantine,
salt whirls a global tone,
Swifts dive in yellow skies,
his smile's a lovely flight,
his dancing shakes my bones,
wine consumes the loins,
I don't want to dramatise,
but apart from getting brown,
not much else excites,
morning covers my disguise,
Oh I know I know,
daytime brings new sights,
hot days tidal shores.
Tuesday, 18 June 2024
An unruly little family,
father's left on trains,
others for the sea,
was is it wish or dare,
that life should remain,
alive for us to share,
mayve those lines too neat,
does time get in the way,
songs of an empty street,
beyond the frosted glare,
happy eyes in winter hail,
snow dancing off our hair,
wrapped up in Teralyne,
our Ma never changes,
laugh she used to say,
a bed or bunk frezes,
when no love's in play,
whistle up childhood dreams,
we miss them just the same.
Monday, 17 June 2024
Who can resist,
or diminish the claim,
often given in a fist,
hidden by mount Fraternity,
there's a terrible waste,
murder bellows at our feet,
beware those who seek bliss,
you turn to me and say,
who can we ever trust,
the valleys tick with heat,
it grants us little space,
the sky is all seeing,
hear the serpent's hiss,
you say again,
truth will absolve us,
everything we try to reach,
trouble still reigns,
failure drips on our streets,
uncertain questions resist,
just being tossed away,
everyone seeks justice,
temper bitter flame.
Sunday, 16 June 2024
Your ice cold fish knife,
is no child's game,
held towards my eyes,
chasing glory this end,
the woman you wish to shame,
inside a circle of friends,
a chaste siren of strife,
outside of fire's blame,
who cannot be a wife,
heathens demand you bend,
they love you at Canaan,
Africa is your stipend,
who can diminish your sight,
you cross into fame,
sometimes in wayward flight,
nothing's beyond your ken,
your movement ablaze,
glory where you can spin,
silk to bright names.
Saturday, 15 June 2024
Will you not listen,
don't live by taking,
gold is only glisten,
understand obfuscate,
kindness above probate,
try,cry, strive, create,
enjoy bliss at Christmas,
pray for energy every day,
even if questions persist,
actions more appropriate,
come from others every way,
who are we to fulminate,
we know cruel prison,
it can't rule our fate,
ghettoes we escape from,
in a fiery blue oblate,
reason is never too late,
dance at kissing gates,
celebrate our horizons.
Friday, 14 June 2024
You know how to trace,
a lifetime of greed,
where love disintegrates,
sometimes I wonder,
if it's in your creed,
to gift or bury lovers,
the doubts you fake,
driven by surly need,
are they parts of fame,
blue conscripted slumbers,
bearing kindness to the sea,
slaying dreams of futures,
tremble so you say,
in unquiet days soliloquy,
only given by taking,
a high heeled loner,
lipsticked songs make happy,
love split asunder,
on altars of celebrity.
Thursday, 13 June 2024
Sister what was that time,
when I sought you on trains,
sweated in different climes,
did you catch me running,
legs like pipes in rain,
did you look and mock,
the great ports of Byzantine,
say God is not afraid,
if there is love inside,
see my tears help me stop,
we all pray the same,
don't turn away and lock,
your gaze away from mine,
invite me into your game,
say everything's fine,
chains bind me here on rocks,
freighters ply their ancient lanes,
above me the sun mocks,
please give me your name.
Wednesday, 12 June 2024
You'd gamble everything,
your sisters say,
even if it makes you scream,
within your bones,
don't you ever retain,
the grace to atone,
committments you sling,
fight lovers in the rain,
always one for happenings,
going out or coming home,
can't see it any other way,
smoking in your cafe' clothes,
maybe you laugh or sing,
dance in sunlight never strain,
feel any need for Bling,
isn't there a slope,
you might slide down again,
dishing all your hopes,
you might feel the sting,
us your siblings display,
confused by mother's harping,
shouting who's to blame ?
Tuesday, 11 June 2024
Deep set eyes this June,
her work sets her free,
even if she loves too soon,
what separates wooden nails,
stretched canvas lets her see,
painting is her game,
working by the raging moon,
she smells the mound of Liberty,
lifts her when she swoons.
can still feel the pain,
in yellow nights of dreams,
even if she looks the same,
a brace of scurried goons,
spill the bottle's seams,
men like portraits tuned,
gone from that terrain,
doubtful of their schemes,
pencils in another frame,
splits another masterpiece.
Monday, 10 June 2024
Our day is just beginning,
I dance arms out wide,
river is full and brimming,
he kills me with his eyes,
tanned body by my side,
twists his twisted smile,
a cigarette dripping,
drops blue water on the tide,
his arms stippling,
I won’t say I’ll survive,
his likes cross any line,
cargo ships pass us by,
he isn’t made for giving,
never understands a mother’s why,
sin is just his trimming,
I could ask for many things,
Medea might use a knife,
he won't demand anything,
smiles and praises time.
Sunday, 9 June 2024
It only seems right
to dance by the sea,
where everything's bright,
you woulsn't let him treat,
the love he agreed,
as big as a cargo fleet,
learn to give him rights,
make a space physically,
now he's home at night,
measure out your deeds
don't let him greet,
the limits of his needs,
loving in a lilac light,
beneath poplar trees,
he won;t want to fly,
song floods the valley,
it makes you dream,
everythin's within reach,
when we think happy.
Saturday, 8 June 2024
He's happy can't you see,
he didn't want to be alone,
did not have the energy,
you didn't treat him right,
skimmed him like a stone,
wanted to shape his nights,
you have to let him be,
how he dances home,
now he's seen the sea,
a mirror to your plight,
you are the last to know,
anchored to that sight,
protected by an innocent shield,
he'd never deliberately throw,
sand on all your dreams,
song rings down the valley,
it makes your blood flow,
love we couldn't reach,
now he steals the show.
Friday, 7 June 2024
More than a swollen eye,
love holds the door ajar,
hell is on the fly,
inflated or in despair,
she can cry if she wants,
to ever begin again,
if the same happens time,
home is not so far,
compared with this sty,
made for someone's care,
her life is just a hoopla,
given another turn,
who needs this fight,
carrying misery to share,
a picture of disquise,
sees the harvest burn,
the highway spitting tar,
can't get beyond her stare,
framed by water asks why,
she's gone this far,
forgets the war inside,
swears it is her Da ?
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