Tuesday, 30 April 2024
When you start to say,
ask why I swim alone,
please give me a break,
you sit on the wire,
won't make a run,
not like me a flyer,
not a second to waste
it's lonely on stones,
you have to keep pace,
not listening to the cryers,
if my bed’s rough-hewn,
movement calms all desires,
gives me this day,
not some bungalow,
where you can bray,
we're not Greek Sapphires,
who shine to atone,
draw air to their fire,
life is a holiday,
far from this quagmire,
don't worry about fame,
to know we're going.
Monday, 29 April 2024
Never one to search for gain,
every track burnt,
don't ever show the pain,
get sore,
forget what you learnt
fixing broken doors,
no matter what it takes,
you’re always there,
to ungrateful ‘probates,
fools sing for applause,
they include your parents,
you know the score,
no need to remonstrate,
say try for your best,
what difference does it make,
two and two make four,
all us kids are different,
never ask for more,
but when the night breaks,
their poor investments,
shatter and quake,
down to you then.
Sunday, 28 April 2024
Ask like you know,
how I feel,
in my bones,
that smile's a strain,
weathered by the fields,
the falling rain,
take the time right now,
unlock without a key,
your concerned brow,
why seek to pray,
you don't fool me,
gaze at passing trains,
ken what's gone,
from all your schemes,
even local picture shows,
you never went away,
kept me in some dream,
now face the coming day,
plough the endless furrow,
I wasn't born to please,
before the cock crows,
everyone will see.
Don't ask me what's new,
never one to help the poor,
always smart on cue,
you wouldn’t give ease,
no matter who called,
any sense of relief,
fools are there to queue,
waiting by the doors,
you’d bust any curfew,
bad guys on the street,
hardly make you pause,
even to hear the screams,
no one can break through,
hands that hand out chorees,
make them sweat anew,
you know where you've been,
with your filthy mores,
will you ever bleed,
you’re not my glue,
spinning like a sycamore
your head full of tunes,
someday you're caught.
Saturday, 27 April 2024
My song creates good mojo,
nothing to be taught,
you know who's it for,
it jumps like a bean,
whoever takes the tour,
always lands on me,
I'm just this bag of bones,
a lender of last resort,
loans don't let you doze,
each tune you get to see,
brings you back for more,
makes you dig this scene,
come dancing to my zone,
like you used to before,
our time is never done,
it floats across the sea,
your trousers sweep the floor,
say hello to dreams,
laughter smooths our tones,
brings solace to the poor,
tempers all our groans,
opens any door.
Friday, 26 April 2024
Don't care how I rage,
in winter's iron claw,
you can’t beat the cage,
there's not many tunes,
in spring's shallow maw,
clouds ride blue moons,
work is just a game,
not everyone's your whore,
puts salt on my tail,
song's ring out on cue,
what a cache they hoard,
smokers trick to use,
coffee times in train,
it’s all such a bore,
can't love break away,
somehow light the fuse,
no one finds the door,
conceal bitter feuds,
who is there to blame,
why make them roar,
I've played all my games,
shouts ring the shore.
Thursday, 25 April 2024
Is it fear of rain,
a bird on the wire,
that you rage against,
shuffling in the gloom,
waiting by the fire,
no one flies to you,
many come this way,
once pestered for hire,
you look in their face,
to do what you do,
your eyes full of ire,
must hate being you,
no offerings made,
a burnt out tyre,
is all that you gave,
someone else's due,
others lost desire,
nothing becomes you,
the miracle you crave,
turn tongues into liars,
love you betrayed,
a funeral pyre ?
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
I stand by his grave,
where praise be,
I hope to be laid,
my eyes like thunder,
sobbing like a banshee,
it makes me shudder,
from the blue Nave,
stripped out of a tree,
nothing’s to be saved,
there friends cluster,
huddled in the lee,
what else passes muster,
my voice starts to break,
I was such a tease,
birds have gone away,
his face was a wonder,
happy laughing clean,
I tore it asunder,
it's quiet at this place,
this place of need,
they lower his casket,
leave a space for me.
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
She has some spark,
her lovely face lights,
quick off the mark,
she hankers for love,
most of the time,
doesn’t mind nothing comes,
in a nearby car park,
bums ask her why,
she hangs around bars,
says we all need to trust,
a trolley suits her fine,
otherwise we're lost,
she never walks far,
on her legs it's a crime,
dodging stationary cars,
works without gloves,
unlike crazy times,
she doesn't drink doubles,
is there a chart,
to show us what's right,
not only the dark,
tells us it's night.
Monday, 22 April 2024
Dim lights of a pub,
where we drink wine,
you give me a shove,
make deals in the yard,
you say it's no crime,
let go of my arm,
look up above,
lost in your time,
remember who got bust,
hair like a jump start,
you haven't a dime,
for you life is art,
go onto a club,
first glance seems fine,
shake a quick Buck,
never easy or calm,
raised in decline,
you've brought a guitar,
forget the lost looks,
or do anything wise,
ask me to scrub,
pain that's inside.
Sunday, 21 April 2024
Can anyone beat serenity,
comb features at the bar,
rescue mw from dreams,
like someone in a frame,
a part of me gets dark,
brightens without name,
others do as they please,
ring distant bells afar,
mine are fog and sea;
maybe it’s a different age,
fills me in this postcard,
cherish is very strange,
nothing meets my needs,
I’m a lazy dog,
hustling on these streets,
dancing in the rain,
hoisting sail to a spar,
filing all that's wreckage,
things I only feel,
all the stuff I’m not,
drink keeps me drinking,
who needs a Da?
Saturday, 20 April 2024
Like your ship at sea,
I swear to the night,
you will hear from me,
yours is a rotten core,
riddled with lies,
hung on your cabin door,
your lost imdemnity,
between moon and sky,
won't fall upon me
from the earth's floor,
I utter a terrible cry,
you are cursed forever more,
I’ll see you in weeds,
my lips pursed,
now the caged birds sing,
here on the shore,
I’ll prepare a delight,
there’ll be no furore,
just rock you gently,
go slow with the knife,
call you Baby,
look into my eyes.
Friday, 19 April 2024
Clouds cross the sky,
life brings no easy dues,
even when you die,
who cares what’s fake,
something's always new,
shines brightly in the grate,
feelings deep inside,
kept within a curfew,
makes me want to cry,
barriers you create,
ahake me like a fool,
they should shape,
dreams we sail into night,
love is not immune,
shall we have a try,
fail when you castigate,
another cause to rue,
then walk away,
fly on troubled flights,
rise and sink a few,
no more questions why,
what's eating you ?
Thursday, 18 April 2024
Don't look at me askance,
why expect me to stay
give you another chance
I won't turn cute,
make a life true fake,
you're not that stupid,
fact it's your Clan,
once again nailed,
any love to the caravan,
plead all you want to,
your lies are mere details,
who are you to smooze,'
lay blame on your parents,
when I start to rail,
don't hold me like that,
shame doesn’t bother you,
leave me some space,
you won’t need a tune,
to slide down the scale,
let go of my hand,
don’t whisper my name,
ship out to France.
Wednesday, 17 April 2024
We share jokes and spit,
with those who reappear,
shadows rise in the mist,
no one owns a crown,
to be anchored here,
we're like upside down,
those of us who trust,
always hold her dear,
rivers she has crossed,
in our Ocean town,
not only light is clear,
you know who is around,
someone you can kid,
who walks without fear,
carries a hint of musk,
everywhere she goes,
she banishes tears,
fights for her own,
dispels failing years,
singing songs a crust,
voice sweet as a seer,
seeps into dust.
Tuesday, 16 April 2024
Please don't ask me why,
this lonely swimming pool,
sits between me and sky,
tell me it’s nothing,
our days getting fewer,
make me a better offer,
songs on our wedding night,
I believed uncouth,
stuff you said you'd right,
do you want me to suffer,
with your bad dreams too,
always acting the winner,
sweetness calms evening light,
our cabin's become a curfew,
buttered dreams candlelight,
don't act like your father,
buying us with his cruise,
treat me with some honour,
why seek for my thighs,
am i just a dude,
won't dance at twilight,
I’ve paid my dues.
Monday, 15 April 2024
Sometimes I ask why,
can we ever be alone,
our eyes on fire,
my Ma says its shame,
lights our sordid home,
each sorry night and day,
such rare foresight,
the wind blows cold,
stay here by my side,
kids bear your name,
you've let them roam,
need to change lanes,
when you hear me cry,
hand me a hanging phone,
it's not enough to sigh,
buy some shiny nails,
help me with the loans,
let's fix up this place,
no matter how we fight,
bruise our yelloww bones,
we can do this right,
better than going.
Sunday, 14 April 2024
Unhappy songs on my barque,
funds still in the bank,
vapour trails leave no mark,
blown in on the Bay,
a ticking of the crank,
I might even stay,
a peek inside the bars,
blue air smells dank,
won't be looking very far,
what is there to say,
my mind's already blank,
maybe it's best this way,
Oh you are a dog,
no one else to thank,
rolled me like a log,
brought me to this state,
left me a ham shank
sailing out's my getaway,
you’ll never know La,
how hard a hammer can crack,
won't see no door ajar,
gas still in my tank.
Saturday, 13 April 2024
Why hang around the mall,
sit down in the rain,
hover at infirmary's door,
you are never home,
always at some game,
what makes you roam,
why ask all this for,
when you stay the same,
how to close the door,
can't you let it go,
salt away the pain,
put yourself on show,
you hold the floor,
your face a savage shade,
is love too raw,
don't want to moan,
but time is getting late,
life is not a loan,
it sticks in my craw,
I cry out your name,
you’re not here anymore,
it's not the same
Friday, 12 April 2024
Fire and evening light,
when you play my tune,
always makes me cry,
hanging on my phone,
if it rings with blues,
hear your lovely tones,
this beach comes to life,
golden sand soothes,
greets the coming night,
it helps defeat the loan,
accepts what I do,
even stuff hard to fathom,
white picket fences lie,
they never hail the news,
keep me from all strife,
gather what has gone,
I somehow lost the glue,
defeat being alone,
you’re always very nice,
cannot hide what’s true,
I skip in the tide,
maybe next a cruise
Fire and evening light,
when you play my tune,
always makes me cry,
hanging on my phone,
if it rings with blues,
hear your lovely tones,
this beach comes to life,
golden sand soothes,
glistens the evening light,
it helps defeat the loan,
accepts what I do,
even stuff hard to fathom,
white picket fences lie,
they never hail the news,
keep me from all strife,
garner what has gone,
I somehow lost the glue,
defeats being alone,
you’re always very nice,
cannot hide what’s true,
I skip in the tide,
maybe next a cruise.
Thursday, 11 April 2024
Our eyes chase,
places no wind blows,
wisdom comes too late,
forget how much we blew,
kill the need to know,
steer away bad news,
always at the game,
playing down the loans,
tackle what remains,
you never seem to rue,
ways we’ve been let down,
it's very good of you,
worry about loss or gain,
shrug and hide our groans,
would do it all again,
maybe it’s just a ruse,
a dream life shows,
something Deja Vu,
wouldn't it be great,
to stay out on the road,
big windows for the pain,
watch it fade and go.
Wednesday, 10 April 2024
If I warm my toes,
around your fire,
can’t deny what I know,
how I choose,
to bury many a lie,
lost in my excuses,
a chance to show,
like dancing on wire,
that I'm your willow,
I'm not the fool,
who plays for time,
drooling with bad news,
more the here and now,
I’ll make things right,
even take holy vows,
my mood is smoky blue,
don’t need to enquire,
if it’s any good,
I'm not undersold,
you won't need a sign,
live without windows,
I can see fine.
Tuesday, 9 April 2024
Don't pray in the rain,
swear upon your ma,
stuff you can't fake,
hopes you won’t use,
smother what's the cost,
find a place of refuge,
see that portrait,
one you wounded and lost,
it’s of me again,
whatever you choose,
don't rage at dusk,
whoever pays your dues,
whiskey fires the brain,
souls live near or far,
you can't run or play,
brook a dawn curfew,
force the door ajar,
adore golden avenues,
gains you might make,
always bear a scar,
truth never runs away,
driving fancy cars.
Monday, 8 April 2024
Why do you need to phone,
the airport is not far,
your love is a joke,
a screen that you use,
to arrange from afar,
draw a circle around us,
Saints reveal their bones,
they also leave scars,
passion doesn't live alone,
why shout a feud,
from your crowded bar,
where everyone can hear you,
leave us alone and go,
safe what you call la la,
you’ve no rights at home,
heading for the blue,
waving to your lucky star,
only dogs will miss you,
it’s not a great start,
safe within my credit zones,
but what’s inside has gone,
the door is not ajar.
Sunday, 7 April 2024
Sing along on easter trains,
sustain their lips of stone,
don’t wonder why you came,
forget what's on your mind,
it’s all about the soul,
you're not the lonely kind,
their crying makes you say,
this one's all your own,
hands beseech your face,
we won't take fright,
throw ourselves some rope,
guard the strays we find,
roll against the grain,
stay out here alone,
who cares if we're freight,
my tunes make them smile,
now they’re far from home,
it stems the fear inside,
this railroad’s always late,
all of life's a road,
guide each along the way,
just keep going.
Saturday, 6 April 2024
Fed up with desperate news,
steer a passage clear,
nothing else will do,
don’t carry heartache home,
it will cost us dear,
won’t say where we're going,
nothing left to rue,
allay different fears,
ones I thought I knew,
if this makes you groan,
think what else is clear,
why drag it all alone,
there’ll be other rulers,
visions comes with tears,
golden domes confused,
take another loan,
dab perfume to my ears,
on such paths we're born,
food is not just fruel,
prayers instead of beer,
no need to be cruel,
ride the bitter years
Friday, 5 April 2024
You laugh at stupid fate,
glad you’re not dead,
all you need's a crate,
this is what I do,
always stay ahead,
smile like a bloomin'fool,
know the latest rate,
even from my bed,
dopes are always late,
get the kids to school,
hint at little cred,
no one sees me blue,
I might carry weight,
nothing you can’t shed,
when it comes to taste,
in a time of feuds,
don’t need call the Feds,
arrange another curfew,
on cold grey days,
I'll rest my head,
won't hesitate to say,
how's this dress ?
Thursday, 4 April 2024
Lips twist like knives,
he is not forgiving,
darts the river light,
so what else is new,
no one bites when fishing,
forgets our rendevous,
my mother says stay wise,
he needs to earn a living,
watch out for little childs,
but love is never smooth,
tobacco blonde and slipping,
maybe what she says is true,
then again there's right,
skinned alive when kissing,
who wants to live a lie,
always demands revenue,
growls if I'm not giving,
his eyes a topaz blue,
fries me with that smile,
deluded shocked by sinning,
am sick of this guy,
want a new beginning.
Wednesday, 3 April 2024
Living life by drops,
dismiss drink reasons,
time you made a stop,
words only grate,
about lousy weasels,
basking in your name,
body laced with coughs,
never just a wheeze,
have to show who's boss,
this is no child’s game,
strung out on greed,
where you say,
I give up such a lot;
but everyone squeezes,
I'm the kitchen cloth,
shouting at who's late,
family feuds over deeds,
fed up of holding sway,
give it all to love,
say you don't need,
to ever give a toss,
leave for the sea.
Tuesday, 2 April 2024
He hails when you come by,
laughs and hugs the kids,
asks the big why,
you keep a cheerful tone,
to do's on yellow lists,
always on the go,
his life starts to fry,
searching what he's missed,
some wait all their lives,
others walk the stones,
looking for a kiss,
what they'd known before,
forget the bitter times,
all the stuff he’s tipped,
gaze at days of tides,
dreams he can’t postpone,
always glad of a lift,
say let him come home,
whoever owns the night,
astonished stars and mist,
tell him don’t ask why,
life is for the lived.
Monday, 1 April 2024
Brilliant stones,
sculpture your name,
Spring's in full flow,
you want to be free,
this is some game,
how to stay happy,
dance on sprung floors,
treat penury as fame,
others will follow,
taste salt by the sea,
burst past the flames,
it's what you believe,
to love each home,
make friends with each day,
laugh when they go,
jewels and glass pieces,
not worthy of name,
only sing for release,
look to the morrow,
when no one feels blame,
wild as the Crow,
fly into the rain.
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