Wednesday 7 December 2016


What separates us from our best, does a sail make us shrill, our flight to change address, a raging thirst to assess, a map, some salt,let us kill, at the sight of your caress, any more to your requests, than nights battered or still, to fix our weathered compass, locate the inventive West, have us eat our fill, hope we pass the test, shape our days at sea or rest, face each wave or rill, struggle against each duress, send us back if we egress, be devoured by men or kids, by flame or water to confess, he who tempers will.

Monday 5 December 2016


She kills me with her being, on stretched out sunny days, dances like a fallen queen, talks of seeing, an artist bright and unfazed, called Jennifer Frean, who never left her street, tho' she traveled many ways, a young woman beat, that leaves me careening, hearing a midnight train, when love like Lorca's weaving, sends part of me reeling, falling like the rain, on St Anthony's quay, an empty feeling seeking, morning cafe' warmth and cakes, pain of the ladron stealing, across my face.

Saturday 3 December 2016


Forget ferocious ease, or a justice sought, our daughter's genie, seeks explosive release, what cannot be bought, her sisters do not please, she shakes her keys, November in New York, it's certainly no Odyssey, filled with loving thoughts, for her concerned family, she stamps her feet, nothing better wrought, than the hiss of blasphemy, the issue of retreat, more than any human cause, won't dilate her screams, or satisfy her Karpie, who gurgles more.

Thursday 1 December 2016


Can you see me rocking, what flag have you unfurled, you feel inside my pockets, is it me whose locket, blows cold upon your stare, God is not for mocking, when a love blows softer, loneliness not for sharing, a fuse without a socket, take your callow offer, anchors won't bind this girl, ships roll by forgotten, we sit by trees and parking, your hand around my curls, laugh when i look startled, beneath blonde blossom, would you even care, why i feel so rotten, swollen beyond a dare.

Wednesday 30 November 2016


Do we keep or burn, a love like gas, the flame turned down, you can demand the crown, now time has passed, you're not perturbed, on drugs you went to town, but you'd never collapse, there was always a prayer, on smokey brown chairs, with songs so crass, consider them trounced, all i did was have affairs, to hold you fast, raise you from the ground, let you warm and learn, lovers talk made you laugh, you never really did care, or say it would last.

Tuesday 29 November 2016


When you talk coastlines, when you feel rain, remember this time, don't try to pay my fine, coming home you say, we don't need to downsize, smile down the line, wait for a dismal train, passengers like needles in sunshine, feted for your crimes, a bridge across the plain, lost in your own designs, it never turns out right, our youngest is a vagrant, sleeping, drinking wine, church bells ring and chime, please do realise your games, somewhere a solace flies, far away from pain.