Wednesday 11 January 2017


Give me my broken jewels, and let me laugh through tears, if you must be cruel, you can dance with strangers, under cold white stars clear, your golden lies bring no danger, but I can’t stand those fools, who dream of drinking beer, don't show me other mules, give me money or some range, in your sails there is fear, ached for years displayed, when we ran on fuel, you turned a head, kept me near, now you don't know what to do, all the world can see you, your long gait and busted rear, but no one has a clue, perfume costs you dear.

Tuesday 10 January 2017


Your son has gone home, to his father, you fix a hi ball alone, sometimes we are lectured to, by impractical lovers, like what's happening with you, not that you wish to scorn, or believe tales of others, when they ask what you've done, crickets turn to glue, birds flee the heather, sing of global truths, you shake and hold your bones, whisper like a sinner, twist your useless comb, the moon fills your dome, brings yellow news to gather, tears are lachrymose, you are a strong women. wind starts to blow stuff their fines never one to roam, might have once been so, not like me to atone, did you raise your brow,

Monday 9 January 2017


Embers burning low, it's been a while, have you nowhere else to go, it's not like you to atone, was it the child, frozen against your bones, might have once been so, but you had more style, wrapped up in the snow, did you raise your brow, told them stuff their fines, you had another show, always one to roam, you had no need to mine, rights you didn't own, now when the cock crows, you sit by the fire, coax a smile into your soul, try to look kind.

Sunday 8 January 2017


Etched across my forehead, a wrist enhanced number, some weather the test, her face a sweet mirror, eyes of shocked wonder, looking for hope's glimmer i whisper to myself, is this how we slumber, lying in this shed, worrying over distance, while fire rages through us, have we come to this, days of plagued dread, nights stupid with lovers, because we said yes, a washed sign of death, we watch them walk under, she lays a hand to my chest, others cast asunder.

Saturday 7 January 2017


If i'm not too late, i'll dance with you, forget what they say, caress you with my whispers, melt you lemon blue, your red and yellow ribbons, beneath fallen archways, you being true, will rue any pain, unlike your little sister, who spies our secret venues, tells your Ma i kissed her, flowers by a winter gate, you hate dull virtue, in lives of great space, please don't hesitate, come with me soon, fly over the shipping lanes, I'll calm the rumours.

Friday 6 January 2017


The arc of her time, splices lovely days, adds vodka to her wine, Macy's, the Five and Dime, New York alley ways, she drinks the moonshine, and hangs on the telephone, in a sun that frays, her search for home, to black evening night, where all debt get paid, she follows what's right, they'll let her know, if she delays, cold white stars for bones, she's done no crime, only sits with her gains, smells gently the Limes, down this broken lane. but who brings the fire, / thinking she'll be fine to make her happy ? / she will be happy that sought after light but who brings the fire the kids will arrive, their faces bright, making chocolate Maxima, thinking she'd be fine, vodka leads to ruin, but what is she doing,

Thursday 5 January 2017


She hates the dull why, the pleadings of reason, sought night after night, but where is the line, when fire turns the seasons, sedated by wine, what rights her thoughts, churn hours her pleading, cloud days her zero, who brings the time, to the walls her keening, when you have the knife, which flower bought, regular as the heating, her angel face caught, the hair spilled fine, beneath the moon’s easel, she sings out her lies, no suggestion of treason.