Thursday 16 February 2017


You used to write me then, of furs and feather and winters, bloody in a tenement, an injured frozen shock, you wrote of smoothing kisses, and sybarites of the knock, Brighton Beach you credit, with dollars, beds,fancy business, Villa's if you can get them, where you go to unlock, men cast in lonely splinters, and walk home crocked, laying down drained and spent, do you only help resisters, you my rootless friend, wearing boots and leathers?

Wednesday 15 February 2017


She sees the creep of moon, regular as the five and dime, lilac night coming soon, fish on Friday beaches, the kids who drink wine, girls with yellow pleats, men want women as boons, to enlighten their lives, someone with her bloom, and sense of ease, slaps hands that wander behind, smiling summer feasts, but the goal, the ball, she won't even mind, if she leaves this fall, and laughs in the gloom, that sometimes chimes, with her own Brigadoon, written high in the sky.

Tuesday 14 February 2017


Here's a thought you know, do you wonder who comes first, with all your places to go, wish I’d never been born, ask if i ever thirst, when summer turns to storm, your canticle the sea alone, gives a time for birth, or knows who tends your bones, will you try again with scorn, to run me cursed, understand what's torn, by book or by 'phone, from these lonely suburbs, would see me dance alone, your body is laid low, sky and stars converse, they reach beyond sunset's glow, it’s not me you scare.

Monday 13 February 2017


Who do you want to suffer more, me or your blessed father, outside this symphony of whores, from a perfect sunny evening, the kids looked after by others, all you think is believing, that you know the score, in life between the covers, is it really who you are, wiser than your sins reveal, communion from your lovers, do black Ray Bans conceal, sunlight across your course, September make you wonder, will winter bring on worse, sip Daiquiri through a straw, swirl the sour ball colours, something to make you pause, could this be for ever ?

Sunday 12 February 2017


She follows a need that's sown, a mountain blanket for cover, wrapped around her bones, pulled from dull matrimony, she passes between the others, her picture at the registry, by jail or sentence crowned, she never knew her mother, sunshine dances on the stones, who says we're history, just kids from yellow trouble, we'll dance our insanity, on a ship or by what's known, candle light paths to offer, the miracle of our loans, we won't beat or blow, or bite at any other, but find love we've known, on fine blue mornings.

Saturday 11 February 2017


A breeze between the ruins, lifts me through the night, is this all it takes to love, then the hearing corrects, silent as an Arctic Skite, other times a roaring cataract, we wrap ourselves in blue, under fear of dying, doves in orange trees coo, sooth a city's muffled excess, a snuffled dry crying, more than another mess, how different this pale room, scene of nowhere lousy fights, fire raging trying to sooth, in other bars twilight tunes, she bites me, i ask her why, her lips are like Neptune, she looks me in the eye.

Friday 10 February 2017


My bus has long gone, now leave me alone, each place is my queendom, life isn’t all champagne, don’t pity this poor Joe, standing in the rain, who hangs a good one, around her bones, or care where she's from, some need the evening game, give me a little Blow, forget any even break, we don't go to proms, but tread the stones, live life on the bum, it's not for everyone, do you like the waterfall, maybe you should try it on, not being born.