Monday 22 May 2017


She's happy with her lot, doesn't want to be alone, she's never what she's not, you didn't treat her right, skimmed her like a stone, stayed out late all night, you don't care a jot, if she's stuck at home, nothing explodes in your cot, rips the wings off your flight, when she makes that last show, no more angel cake delight, or being in a cotton box, she certainly blows, to put you on the spot, heart ache is a dot, where her river flows, love that is too hot, not for you to know.

Sunday 21 May 2017


Our day is just beginning, i dance arms out wide, Burbo Bank is full of swimmers, she kills me with her thighs, next to me like twine, she twists her twisted smile, a constant cigarette brimming, drips blue water at my side, a writer isn't forgiving, I don’t say she’ll survive, her likes don't cross the line, like ships upon the tide, she isn’t made for trusting, never understands why, but always insisting, i could demand many things, Medea would use the knife, but why when you can sing, praise this time.

Saturday 20 May 2017


Eyes as deep as the estuary, her work sets the tone, even if she feels free, what separates her growing fame, ripped canvas proves, painting's like a childhood game, surrounded by the easy sea, she feels the pull of Domes, peace another entity, Our Lady sees her pain, in yellow nights of moans, even if she looks the same, a bravura of scurried frieze, maps, the bottle, men's groans, she's away from that disease, doubtful of any sanctity, she has what she holds, that temperance is a fantasy, hiding amongst bones.

Friday 19 May 2017


You'd gamble on the breeze, my sister says, whatever you could squeeze, around your bones, and never refrain, or want time at home, you fly the trapeze, chase lovers like the rain, whisky breaks your day, going out you're never alone, you could see no other way, smoking your Marlboros, sometimes you'd laugh or tease, dance in the kitchen forget the pain, but never need to please, you don't get those feelings, us little ones displayed, raging to be set free, by mother's praise.

Thursday 18 May 2017


You cry about that time, praying late on trains, searching for a lullaby, did you wave a wand, like drain pipes take the rain, or music strikes a band, it isn't me that whines, there you go again, love isn't a fear inside, will you make a stand, or pay just the same, everything's a scam, you never bide the line, encourage me to say, hey everything's fine, I didn't commit a crime, freighters ply on ancient lanes, you sit beside the tide, i cannot say your name.

Wednesday 17 May 2017


Do you know what breaks, in a lifetime of greed, to fracture the love you make, i wonder if its's trained, that stuff in your creed, a gift from wrapped cellophane, those yellow cries you fake, with such a surly need, is it part of the game, kindness won't do the same, a tremble to your knees, thrown away down lipsticked drains, tell me on the Freeway, is that really your belief, that losers have no brains, if you live by taking, is there ever a need, to understand what you dissipate, trying not to see ?

Tuesday 16 May 2017


Bad news is never shared easy, especially with your ways, you never did gild the lily, an ice cold fish knife, is no child's game, held towards my eyes, slash of steel cuts disease, chasing good times these days, the woman you wish to be, no siren of strife, who cannot be tamed, but to find your own life, saw what you needed to see, called each night a name, a silk and golden odyssey, said what you needed to me, things are never the same, salt tongue on the breeze, bomb shells in your gaze.