Thursday, 24 December 2020

Jamie Three

Like you like to rule, even on the bread line, regarding other fools, you think you're great, when other's ask why, stop before it's too late, it does no good, what’s going on inside, such a face you pull, yet once again, the eyes dance like fireflies, they’ll have their say, it’s a poor gruel, these cooked over lies, to all that is you , here in this game, you play with your life, for who holds the reins, poor burnt-out mules, offer no hindsight, but is it cool, to fulfil a demise?

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Jamie Two

Forget my dreams, I don't want to ‘phone, bitter what you’ve done to me, not so stupid, to seek to atone, the cause of love, look at this has-been, who lives through his ghosts, is that what you see, even if you knew, you once touched my soul, is it something to live for, my scene, that you put on toast, your hair like autumn leaves, I hate where I'm going, a knife to my throat, ocean waves roll, you know where you've been, don't let out a groan, we’re no longer a team, I’m going I’m gone.

Monday, 21 December 2020


My lover asks, were you ever born, how come nothing lasts, don’t you have ghosts, dreams you’ve scorned, that won't leave you alone, I adjust my mask, stifle a yawn, I know my past, don't ever throw stones, at what you've torn, it stops you growing, I like these chit chats, what is to disown, where you leave your hat, with love in my bones, I whistle up a storm, everyone needs a home, my key’s under the mat, no one's forever forlorn, I’m built to last, a place to spawn

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Natalie Two

You only smile uneasy, stammer out what to say, now my spirit's released, a high heeled slumber, stones, wreath, holidays, does it make you wonder, my coward's release, without hope or shape, you’ll know it one day, me with your number, who you begged to embrace, a life unencumbered, my insides screech, cornfields whisper and sway, voices die in the breeze, waste of time don't bother, it’s such a disgrace, you can roll the thunder, dance with the mustard seed, a certain rising too late, but you'll never see, that look upon my face.

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Natalie Three

You ask how I cope, if you could only help, to take us back home, why make me suffer, away from the Lens, no need for your buffers, keep out of my zone, you might mean well, but I’m better alone, don't bring in your mother, let her stay in her shell, be a part time lover, we’ll roll with the blow, on bar stools and leather, our skin might need soap, but with syrups and scent, my life won’t be tethered, by you or your friends, I’ll laugh at the rope, that dangles bereft, that weighs all your hope, while I gaze to heaven.

Friday, 18 December 2020


What do you care, sprinkle salt on my traces, tell me what to wear, tunes you play aren’t easy, blue choral across my face, spun by the breeze, say you want to share, but here’s no kissing place, why put me there, in chains to the sea, waves like your gaze, a dull line to empty, hard to know what's fair, when that voice is raised. lips that snare, down sand - cut streams, no one escapes, oh, so sugar-sweet, you're such a liar, think you’re so great, are you aware, what’s washed away?

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Jackie Three

For each little bit of you, if anyone enquires, we won’t give a clue, life isn't a trombone, you play in a choir, why should they 'phone, your small cup of ruin, is brighter than fire, it’ll get you in tune, you know you may know, this poisoned desire, that twists you along, don’t ask for truth, say who's for hire, you’ll find out soon enough, if someone moans, and then expires, study their bones, down on the avenue, sing on the wire, always pay your dues, you're a straight flyer.