Sunday, 5 December 2021


When love is a clumsy dare, three missed trains, makes my face solemn , red is a wonderful flare, that love should stay, instead of being forgotten, lines going nowhere, the drink I splashed away, nights of ached for care, play them like a solitaire , I’ll never change, always pay at dealing, on the cafe' square, trees in the cold rain, cigarette smoke catches, my mother at her worst, rushes me through each day, that I should be someone, It's better my way.


Old men who want women, eat calf’s liver and greens, something clings to them, the coming night groans, a wind hushed chill seizes, skin that clings to bones, worried they appear timid, by the city's muffled seethe, their desires know no limit, say they’ll make their ladies glow, bestow love every evening, bars are their road show, cognac turns their breath bitter, doubt what talk has gleaned, all a disco ball glitter, beneath their boasts, they know what Goya’s seen, richer, older,a softer pillow, wine, bread, falling leaves.

Saturday, 4 December 2021


Men who want women, eat calf’s liver and greens, something clings to them, the coming night groans, a wind hushed chill seizes, skin that clings to bones, worried they appear timid, by the city's muffled seethe, their desires know no limit, say they’ll make their ladies glow, show love every evening, bars are their road show, cognac turns their breath bitter, they doubt what love has gleaned, a silver disco ball glitter, beneath their moans, know what Goya’s seen, richer, older, a soft pillow, wine, bread, falling leaves.

Friday, 3 December 2021


Who removes the cast, do only children look to home, across the singing grass, The CafĂ©’ du Pris, why regret my tone , pray for the doctors release, Verde across the terrace, Campari , dark glasses, soda, visits here begin with a fast, deny the need, shield me from my woes, I aim to please, sourball summer Maria Callas, who am I to moan, whisky colours sooth my chances, sea birds screech and wheel, their nests are honeycombed, look again and believe, am I beyond this loan?

Thursday, 2 December 2021


The poetes maudit, you always loved, keep me in the garden, is this what you call home, beside your son, who goes back to his mother, the one who scatters easy the fruits of men, while daylight fades released, 'I ache for a baby' I moan, what have you begun, to kiss when he’s gone, salt claims an early warning, maybe it’s a dry run, for your evening with me, dicey laughter comes in jolts, birds at dusk settle and thrum, is it by reading Whitman, my waters run

Wednesday, 1 December 2021


There's times I wish, I’ve waited so long, on this wretched bridge, my taxi’s gone, now leave me alone, I’m not twenty one , what makes you think, I don’t know what I’m doing, getting jealous in drink, splashing on eau de cologne, the water looks cold, standing in the metal folds, let the moon shrink, my ship's coming home, curtains start to twitch, see me put lipstick on, an unsteady sojourn, to meet my splendid one, he’s majestic and swish, brown as an acorn. he’s my sailor dish, not just some old bojo.

Tuesday, 30 November 2021


Do we think of others, while screaming down the phone, the cross we bear for mothers, pray for all of those, whose thoughts are blown, in forgotten summers' blue clothes, drums across a cornfield smothers, the dance we do alone , men flit like dung uncovered, we can only suppose, by water and lakeside pheromones, what they try to echo, our days filled with lovers, Guggenheim, Tate,Jazz trombones, throwing dice for trouble, our hands a signalled force, more than we ever know, a river runs its course, asks us what we know ?