Thursday 6 June 2024


Before you came for me, begging for the light, you left across the sea, the sun made you burn , love you thought was right, asked the ship to turn, formed by mighty deeds, whispered sails at night, you want such terms agreed, parchment sparkles in the urn, a power beyond my sight, three days you let me learn, literacy for all to see, cushioned beneath your thighs, never broken ill at ease, you wailed out your care, love me stay a while, broken torta on your chair, fury in your smile.

Wednesday 5 June 2024


You ask which way to go, it’s not the heat, nothing beats your show, that’s what others say, their flowers stay sweet, even after rain, you are like a warm glow, brown and sixty three, soothes any wind blowing cold, but you won’t sing today, like early April's leaves, nothing disturbs your sway, just the yellow glue, poverty turned to dreams, eats into hot summer days, don't let the doom crew, try to make it seem, you only play Blues, you're much more real.

Tuesday 4 June 2024


The passage holds a light, between drinkers and vagrants, my youngest suffers in silence, places like pig styes, behind the lip of alleys, where cruise ships lie, I go forward with a sigh, my mind an oasis contained, far from the tourist cries, their hands are tied, what you'd expect anyway, sun, sex,sea and sky, still my daughter's dying, is no one to blame, I dream of islands, wait for lamps to shine, a chapel's sweet gaze, loving darkness night, bow to an ancient flame.

Monday 3 June 2024


You who own the night, on wind hushed dunes, ever wonder why, you keep a cheerful home, beat away the blues, always on the go, forget bitter times, all cruel untruths, you at my side, dream to fly alone, never want to see you, ask how you're doing, air plashes by, evening's getting cool, wait all your life, touch magic stones, kid yourself on truth, he'll come 'around, whistle from on high, laugh and hum a tune, never tell a lie, back to work soon.

Sunday 2 June 2024


The love that flows, never goes to waste, a roll in every note, you have no need, to circle each day, want enough to flee, in garments sewn, by a drunken oblate, it's always more than show, strings, chords, seeds, keep your hands engaged, better constant release, you’ve already grown, ahead of the game, smile sweetly as you go, a house by the sea, tides and skies aflame, makes you happy, brilliant gemstones, whisper your name, you sail at full blow, Chief of passage.


You smile easy, know just what to say, spirits dance released, a high heeled slumber, stones, lintels, paves, makes you stroll in wonder, is it a lover’s retreat, that allows no fame, buys a home by the sea, this is your number, where you can safely state, life is unencumbered, how your hair is bleached, tunes bounce like waves, run wild along the beach, rolling in the thunder, delay every embrace, stay well out of trouble, enjoy a certain conceit, act full of grace, splash your subtle feet, rapture on your face.

Saturday 1 June 2024


You smile easy, know just what to say, spirits dance released, a high heeled slumber, stones, lintels, paves, makes you stroll in wonder, is it a lover’s retreat, that allows no fame, buys a home by the sea, this is your number, where you can safely state, life is unencumbered, how your hair is bleached, tunes bounce like waves, run wild along the beach, rolling in the thunder, embrace every embrace stay well out of trouble, enjoy a certain conceit, act full of grace, engage your subtle feet, rapture on your face.