Thursday 20 June 2024


It's a sin to wish you gone, only children dance, in years so far from home, Callas warms the terrace bar, Campari, Raybans, chance, each admire your shining car, ask for grace beyond our bones, ship you back to France, regrets yet barely done, my senses ache from afar, sellophane shimmers in your distance, cannot name your star, leave messages on your phone, you with electric prance, evening tints your clothes, what makes you call again, feel awkward at your glance, burning ahes light a flame, fury in my balance.

Wednesday 19 June 2024


I wake to a lemon light, it's hard to be alone, my lover lies supine, everything now is all right, sun rises through the dawn, sometimes people cry, poets make verses by night, write in shabby clothes, take tea or whiskey by fire, my heroes look to Constantine, salt whirls a global tone, Swifts dive in yellow skies, his smile's a lovely flight, his dancing shakes my bones, wine consumes the loins, I don't want to dramatise, but apart from getting brown, not much else excites, morning covers my disguise, Oh I know I know, daytime brings new sights, hot days tidal shores.

Tuesday 18 June 2024


An unruly little family, father's left on trains, others for the sea, was is it wish or dare, that life should remain, alive for us to share, mayve those lines too neat, does time get in the way, songs of an empty street, beyond the frosted glare, happy eyes in winter hail, snow dancing off our hair, wrapped up in Teralyne, our Ma never changes, laugh she used to say, a bed or bunk frezes, when no love's in play, whistle up childhood dreams, we miss them just the same.

Monday 17 June 2024


Who can resist, or diminish the claim, often given in a fist, hidden by mount Fraternity, there's a terrible waste, murder bellows at our feet, beware those who seek bliss, you turn to me and say, who can we ever trust, the valleys tick with heat, it grants us little space, the sky is all seeing, hear the serpent's hiss, you say again, truth will absolve us, everything we try to reach, trouble still reigns, failure drips on our streets, uncertain questions resist, just being tossed away, everyone seeks justice, temper bitter flame.

Sunday 16 June 2024


Your ice cold fish knife, is no child's game, held towards my eyes, chasing glory this end, the woman you wish to shame, inside a circle of friends, a chaste siren of strife, outside of fire's blame, who cannot be a wife, heathens demand you bend, they love you at Canaan, Africa is your stipend, who can diminish your sight, you cross into fame, sometimes in wayward flight, nothing's beyond your ken, your movement ablaze, glory where you can spin, silk to bright names.

Saturday 15 June 2024


Will you not listen, don't live by taking, gold is only glisten, understand obfuscate, kindness above probate, try,cry, strive, create, enjoy bliss at Christmas, pray for energy every day, even if questions persist, actions more appropriate, come from others every way, who are we to fulminate, we know cruel prison, it can't rule our fate, ghettoes we escape from, in a fiery blue oblate, reason is never too late, dance at kissing gates, celebrate our horizons.

Friday 14 June 2024


You know how to trace, a lifetime of greed, where love disintegrates, sometimes I wonder, if it's in your creed, to gift or bury lovers, the doubts you fake, driven by surly need, are they parts of fame, blue conscripted slumbers, bearing kindness to the sea, slaying dreams of futures, tremble so you say, in unquiet days soliloquy, only given by taking, a high heeled loner, lipsticked songs make happy, love split asunder, on altars of celebrity.