Wednesday, 31 January 2024


Look at the moon, a Spring tide today, does everything pass so soon, the birds who have gone, seeking their lanes, sing as they go, my eyes are like pools, wouldn't it be great, to treasure something new, here in my bones, no one reigns, worries about living alone, someone not cruel, but poised sedate, who forgets about dues, how the wind blows, all emotion played, an emptiness done, my good parts are cool, clean as the slate, you'll come here too, we'll go dancing again.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024


He only smiles uneasy, hints at what to say, asks if I'm released, a high heeled slumber, stones money holidays, does it make you wonder, how I aim to please , without hope or shape, spent with him away, me his little number, no matter the taste , a life encumbered, my insides screech, let me please getaway, escape on the breeze, come for me sooner, it's a disgrace, he still rolls the thunder, dances with the seed, rises very late, but he won't ever see, what I have in place ?


My lover asks, if i was ever born, how come nothing lasts, don’t you have ghosts, dreams you’ve scorned, ones that drag you along, I adjust my mask, stifle a yawn, say don't rake my past, and stop throwing stones, it's you that is torn, let regrets stop you growing, detest our little chit chats, who am i to fawn, in houses made of glass, love is in my bones, can whistle at any storm, everyone needs a home, my key’s under the mat, why be forever at war, I’m built to last, give me a call.

Monday, 29 January 2024


My lover asks, if i was ever born, how come nothing lasts, don’t you have ghosts, dreams you’ve scorned, ones that drag you along, I adjust my mask, stifle a yawn, say I understand my past, don't ever throw stones, think what you've torn, let regret stop you growing, I dislike these chit chats, what it is to live in, houses made of glass, love is in my bones, can whistle up any storm, everyone needs a home, my key’s under the mat, can't be forever forlorn, I’m built to last, give me a call.

Sunday, 28 January 2024


I'll have sweet dreams, with you on the ‘phone, better than how they seem, am not so stupid, to seek atonement, in the cause of love, look at those has-beens, who live through ghosts, we want to be free, even if you're blue, you still touch my soul, a beeswax glue, our great scenes, we ride to the coast, sweep away winter leaves, Laugh where we're going, slow oh so slow, let the ocean's roll, I know it's a scream, don't let out a groan, we’ll always be a team, long journey home.

Saturday, 27 January 2024


Say you want to rule, riding on a high tide, sinking ships of fools, think you are so great, when others ask why, do they know anything, it does no good, taking you to one side, such a face you pull, your eyes spin away, dance like fireflies, no issue what you say, it’s a poor gruel, for such fragrent lies, is that all of you , here in this lane, you only get one life, who really holds sway, before your demise ?

Friday, 26 January 2024


If they cook with gas, turn the flame up, make sure its a blast, faces red as hot coals, the men you love, are longing for home, silken ones trapped, bewail their bad luck, turn pale collapse, 'phone back the most, roll in the muck, want beaten at posts, drink wine perhaps, say will have no truck, attend holy Mass, their eyes on ropes, consider them fluff, you pick from your clothes, not one of them lasts, without some cluck, some shout witch, give them a shrug.