Friday 31 May 2024


I need another home, somewhere safe to stay, now that you’re gone, something I need to do, fill a skip with waste, forget about truth, in troubled zones, find solace every day, try not to feel alone, the sea is lemon blue, cafe's smell of rain, my feeling's nothing new, what's within my bones, knows there’ll be a way, to take back control, something good to view, when smoke fades away, sunshine kills the Blues, brilliant pheromones, whisper your name, I let out a groan, what's left to say ?

Thursday 30 May 2024


Take a ship to France, if you're that frustrate, don't leave any chance, to get more cute, say your life's framed, think me a fool, throw me off balance, once again nailed, while you start a dance, I'm not so stupid, that lies become details, waters run smooth, hands stretch out aghast, when I start to rail, your passion's only habit, shame's not for you, anything more to play, you never read the runes. calling out my name, begging for my hand, pleading to my face, a detail on my mast.

Wednesday 29 May 2024


Look at the moon, a spring tide today, everything's too soon, the birds who have flown, seeking away, singing as they go, your eyes don’t fool, say wouldn't it be great, to find somewhere new, a place for the soul, where paradise reigns, forget mortgages and loans, somewhere not cruel, but poised and sedate, rent never due, problems with sawbones, emotion just a name, love’s merry tones, our good parts ring true, we know it's the case, so why do we argue, putting out flames?.

Tuesday 28 May 2024


I live in a haze, sheltered from the wind, stuck like cellophane, won’t try to moan, burn holy candles, see life as a loan, but jump every train, scour the land, dance a perfect serenade, look at my clothes, I don't do bland, not with my bones, make a step change, blow ten grand, bring me love not trade, when someone groans, sell them your caravan, move out of that zone, not chained to my days, my heart expands, life can be great, if you've a wand?

Monday 27 May 2024


Before you ask why, the way it’s been chosen, discover what you deny, stare at dead places, you’re mouth frozen, full with stupid phrases, don't sing of favourite climes, our time of roses, decaying as you try, all the great stations, beyond all that's hopeful, remains useless waste, even at the graveside, you witness love's cloaking, clouds sail the sky, what settles on your face, time has not woken, gone simply are the traces, a flower at my side, just some little token, more a wish to clarify, what lies broken.

Sunday 26 May 2024


Each small part of you, if anyone enquires, provide them no clues, life isn't a stone, thrown into the fire, why should you be alone, a little cup of ruin, sings louder than a choir, you still hold the tune, know in your bones, what limits your desire, doesn't make you groan, whoever gives the news, to say who's for hire, find your own truth, if no one 'phones, let them perspire, why seek to atone, dance down the avenues, sing on the wire, you’ve paid youe dues, you're no liar.

Saturday 25 May 2024


What do you care, don't put me in traces, you wouldn't dare, your song is not easy, blue folds my face, spun on the breeze, say you need to share, our kissing places, why place me there, in chains to the sea, similar to your gaze, a hymn to belief, I know it isn't fair, when your eyes glaze, see my lips snare, all your swollen dreams, falling down the by ways, wrapped sugar sweet, well I’m no liar, to see what is fake, are you aware, I need a break?