Wednesday 3 May 2017


How can you measure love, do you look to the sea, wonder if anything's above, she talks of Baltimore, and what it means to be, outside fire know the score, laughing at the Doves, driving now carefree, away from the shove, measure wine or the law, you can’t wriggle easy, from that institutional core, circumstances of our own blood, bring that guarantee, hotels provide a gentle scrub, serene as a white man's club, she lives on fault lines she tells me, when not to really rub, always act gently. 5 poems how it is to be deep certainly not worth a cry, a family on the cheap, She says 'they get me high', as if i'm on a plane, we thank the great divine, for all the blessings he entwines, the sound of rain, windmills on hills nearby, within this sense of ease she says I've had my time, the manner of being done, is itself a celebration, we were't allowed to lie. they will aid our search, throw away the rope, measure distance before we lurch, what messes with your head, they laugh, the dopes, sat in bars making bets, do they think of us as hurt, do they wish upon us death, recognize what's above ? my wrist around her glides, her body limpid, to lay upon the tide, with the herring gulls alone, their faces to the wind of someone else's purlieu, learn to dance don't get blue, ignore those cool untruths, give me just one more time. she dances on Hawaii, thats what she'd like to do How can we ever grow, /is this your last throw it reaches inside you again worms of the cemetery quarantine, resist just the same, they party every night, and you my lover throw, scenes down every lane, skim the lake with stones, each Sunday we know, when sunlight lifts the Poppies, we don't check the Escrow, or make promissory notes, far more than any keep, birds thrum their tune, she pulls at my traces, the moon is her nosegay it haunts her face, other shipwreck look for signs,

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